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Moving Along

Wake the Earth- book 1- chapter 3- part 2

Lysergic World Design
Wake The Earth
Published in
17 min readJul 13, 2023


Part two cover, art credit author

To read the previous part press on this link here.

Brutus fights back to no avail, the plant life is dense and the area is somewhat confined, making things difficult for the large man to maneuver. Brutus gets the sensation of a strong wind pushing him further.

The dark figure seems to have the upper hand at the moment.

They tumble and roll down towards Fakeer, who stops their descent by raising a stone wall. The woman who tackled Brutus straddles him on top of his chest, she is closer to Brutus’ size than Fakeer’s.

“Hi Fakeer, good to see you again,” the woman says.

She turns her attention to Brutus.

“And hello Brutus, I’ve been waiting for you.”

“Hello sweetheart,” Fakeer says. “Brutus, this is Aura. She’s an air elemental.”

Brutus looks at Aura, she has the same haziness surrounding her as Fakeer. Aside from seeing that she has a dark brown skin tone, and that her tits are big enough to block her face from his view, he can’t make out details. He pushes Aura off of him and sits up.



Lysergic World Design
Wake The Earth

I’m an artist who’s creating an epic graphic novel. The things that’ll be posting here will be of the lore involved, as well as written excerpts.