Contemporary Manosphere: What Lack Of Father Figure Does To Youngsters

Fabian. A. A
Wake. Write. Win.
Published in
6 min readApr 25, 2024

“What color is your Bugatti?”

“If you stop for playing video games, your future wife would get impregnated by someone else because you slowed down.”

Do you familiar with these words? The first one come from Andrew Tate. the second one is from Hamza. For those who don’t know, Tate is a former Kickboxer world champion and Hamza is a famous self-improvement Youtuber.

Andrew Tate
Hamza Ahmed

Now let’s start the topic with explanation. What is Manosphere? If we only see it from such narrow and or reductive oversimplified definition, Manosphere is basically counterpart for feminism. It’s like ‘feminism’ but for men, get it? But it’s not entirely that. It’s sort of complex, and no it’s not about promoting misogynistic ideas or hatred towards women. Then what is it? It’s a diverse collections of ideas, platforms, blogs, and online forums about masculinity and or other male thing like for small example “How to confess to your crush”.

Sounds pretty cute right? But the problem is how desperate the young generation is that they seek another father figure apart from their own biological father? How desperate are they to the point they search another men to tell them what to do, what a real man is, how to walk, how to talk? But still, I don’t want to judge maybe some of them have daddy issue, absentee father, or luxury to have a dad.

How Desperate Is The Youngsters?

I’m gonna break it down a little bit, I would say Manosphere is a sub-set or let’s say a ‘spin-off’ of self-improvement. But it’s kind of weird sorry to say like if self-improvement is about improving yourself, it’s all basics like take a bath, wear a cologne, eat nutritious food, go outside and enjoy the sun. Contemporary Manosphere from what I see is like:





Like what the heck? It’s not that hard to reproduce or having intimate time. Our great-grandpa, our grandpa, and our dad can do it without any of these bullsh*t sorry for my language but it is real silly. You think this is bad? Well surprise! Worse, they sell course and profited from these youngsters insecurities. Then? These teenagers and youngsters is stupid, naive, labile and not fully developed or mature yet, they paid top dollars for these course, e-books, advices, and whatever nonsense is this. There is 129$ course for “how to get girls”, 99$ for “how to be degenerate that f*ck everything that moves”, 1000$ subscription per month for skool Alpha male class, 50$ for side hustling community. If you don’t believe me then go to one of those famous influencers and see the price for yourself. Hamza, another Hamza knock-offs, up to you.

Another one, Socio Sexual Hierarchy.

Used this instead of original pic so it less cringe

There is a astrology for manosphere. What bothers me is the Contemporary Manosphere, ‘red pill’ community always using animals as comparison like:

“The Alpha, The gorilla leader impregnates all females and leave them to the rest gorillas while Beta gorilla doesn’t get any so he masturbated in the corner.”

No kidding, this actually Hamza words. I forgot which video and no I don’t want to search it because it’s not worth a time. Just find it yourself. Always punch your boss in the face to show them who the true Alpha is. Obviously it was a satire. Be humble and know your place.

Young generation is already brainwashed by pornography, social media exposure, opposed political ideologies, and then this? I don’t know what is waiting in the future so help me God. May our future kids and descendants is okay.

Personal Experience

Personally I was a Tate hater slowly respected and admired him to liked him because the unfiltered mouth he got like mine. Respected him more when he converted to Islam. I also was once a part of Hamza cult, I followed him and watch many of his videos, I ever stuck in the manosphere rabbit hole and yes it’s all because I lack a strong & good father figure. That when I was insecure about how I talk especially to women. Being a sole single friend in the circle really putting that societal pressure feelings, and not easy when your friends brag about their relationship to you. But hey I don’t really need that in the end, focus to myself.

Back to topic: Technically, there is nothing wrong from these two. I respected Tate as a Muslim and a fighter. They are businessmen, they see opportunity in the market (male insecurity), make narrative (marketing), then sell the solution. However, both of them don’t give a damn about you. Their intention to help you is near zero percent. The advise they give you can easily get from common sense. Yes, the best human intelligence is their common sense. That and experience. Remind me of Guru Gembul from Indonesia, when he said some basic stuff, people praised him like he’s a God or something. It’s all common sense and basic.

I’m not discouraging you looking up to them. If it’s good for you then good for you. I’m not your daddy to tell you what to do. Whatever suit you.

I will put a good quote from this wojaks doll channel to sum it up.

If only our fathers lived luxurious life worth listening to.”


Honestly, I don’t know. Take this as grain of salt, at least from what I see and what I been through, only few youngsters and teenagers are gifted with such great, masculine, and strong father figures. I know that is so bare minimum and not something to be proud of but reality is cold, it becomes a luxury. More youngsters raised by internet, refrigerator, and single mothers. Or more youngsters with daddy issues, flawed father, and or emotionally inexistent dad. All I can say is to find another father figure in healthy ways, maybe a religious preacher from local Church or Islamic dorms, an athlete coach like Mike Tyson with Cus D’Amato, or if you can bear it: Be your own man. Total new brand self-making.

Mike Tyson and Cus D’Amato

For those who have flawed fathers & daddy issues. Forgive them and don’t try to change them, it just frustrates you more. Forgive them for them or for yourself. It’s their first time being a dad.

Alternative for these Contemporary Manosphere content is to watch David Goggins. He’s not like any of those red pills garbage. He just gives you fuel to find or make yourself.

“THEY DON’T KNOW ME SON” David Goggins


Grow up lacking father figure would make you realize that the world is neither flat or round, it’s f*cked.



Fabian. A. A
Wake. Write. Win.

Imperator, Luck Seeker, Pragmatist. Fabian aspires to be a novelist, he loves writing and bring soul to each words. Sensitive dude, the toughest of all time.