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How to Be Yourself in Writing: Write to Impact, Not for the Numbers

Why You Should Be You In Writing!

God'sgift Oghale Amos
Published in
3 min readMay 28, 2024


Have you ever read something that you keep coming back to, re-reading it without getting tired of it, written by an author? What makes that writing so unique? It always gives you a fresh perspective, a new one at that! Like wow, WOW, wow! There are amazing writings like that! The internet is filled with many writings, and every single day, people make the decision to write, either here or somewhere else. Great stuff! There are great writers and weak writers. People write for reasons best known to them. For some, it's all about the money; for others, it's about meeting their audience's needs; and for another, it's to cause change in people's lives, and still, for some, it's to be a legend. Whatever your writing is, you are now here, a creator, and might not know how powerful the words you form into writing may be to whoever may read it. Millions of people have changed from written works they have come into contact with. Many times, we think our writing must be powerful or some sort of energy, but remember, you can never tell how your writing may impact someone, from a primitive village to becoming a global star. There are many stories of such!

Write as if you will die now, tonight!
Photo by Eugene Chystiakov on Unsplash

So write as if you want to die now, not tomorrow or next year! Every day, people write. Every day, people put down their thoughts into words in a written form of abstract letters to convey meaningful information that is believed to give value and perhaps cause a change. But not all writings are meaningful and cause great change. Some writings are just there, and many times it's hard to know what the writer really means. As a writer, you are unique in your own way. You don't copy; you just be you. You don't want to duplicate the writing styles of great writers. You just want to be that simple writer that you are. Very powerful in your own way and style.

Writing is difficult. It's first starting and putting down the first words that's the hardest, and the next is knowing when to stop. It can be confusing at times, knowing when to do this! When you write, first, you should write for yourself. Copy no one except YOU! Use your words and flow with it. Don't just write; ask yourself why you write this. Who is this for? Every writing has an audience, so you must know it. Question yourself! Find those words and energy in you and bring them out. Use them; don't feel sorry; don't feel petty. Create that aura you want and keep doing it. Write with emotions if you can; write with enthusiasm if you want; write with neutrality if that's the best way for you, but challenge people's thinking and the status quo and modus operandi. Forget what anyone will think, but what you think. Feel your writing. See it. Grasp it if you can. Imagine it if it's possible. Sleep with it when you can. Dream about it, just so you know. One thing, if I have nothing to say more, is just be YOU and don't question that fact about yourself, about you; it is your currency to be a great writer, to be recognized and be different. It is your currency, and don't just sell it to be another. You are not cheap! You're who you think you are!



God'sgift Oghale Amos
Wake. Write. Win.

I am a simple "Parent Expert Doctor" me is all about Parenting+Family+Life+Tech+Children+Philosophy+Entrepreneur(ship)....+God!