Why Hasn’t Anyone Noticed?

Why Are We Okay With Creativity Silenced by Our Platform?

Just Robyne
Wake. Write. Win.


A few early mornings ago while working I received a message from a wonderful Writer, Publisher/Editor. A man who has MENTORED me for many months now after he read my first article. He has become my friend as well.

The message was from Francisco Iglesias, Inside the Mind of A Writer Publication Owner. But it wasn’t from his account. It was from Idealworldtry. I was concerned he was hacked because the message addressed to me said: I have been Suspended.

My first instinct was to ask him to prove it was him. While I waited for the answer I looked for Francisco’s account. GONE. I looked for the Publication account. GONE. I knew he wasn’t an imposter. The next thing I did was look for any one who may have wrote a story because they were concerned he was missing. Just like we all did back in March with Cipher Max and others.

There wasn’t any. But Francisco is a huge name with a bigger than average following (over 7k+ ). Has no one noticed? Why not? I decided to wait to talk to Francisco and get more details. Francisco provided them to everyone from Idealworldtry in his own brilliant words. But only two comments and 100 claps. Something doesn’t seem right.

In fact the only mention of Francisco being suspended is from his own voice. Also from me per his request to members of our team and a few others. Two members from our team also posted their thoughts on Francisco’s…

