Why Writing Isn’t for You: Write When You Like, Post When You Want. #1 Way to Do It and Create Success!

The Laws of Writing That Might Be Wrong

God'sgift Oghale Amos
Wake. Write. Win.
5 min readMay 30, 2024


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Before you read, if you're a first-time reader, please note that my writing can be challenging, and you may not get comfortable like my other readers who are used to my work. So, before you judge me, please always think thoroughly and be neutral too. All my writings aim to give a fresh perspective to everyone. Thank you!

I have read hundreds, if not thousands, of Medium write-ups, but one thing is missing....

I laughed and smiled so many times as I wrote this today, thinking about the title and how it would help break so many beliefs. Perhaps, held in Medium and in the writing world, it will help many enslaved new and old writers on strategies and tricks they have read, practiced, and are still practicing, given to them by content gurus on the net. I know most of you still read them and still hunger for more to be a successful writer. While some may either work or be outdated, or you're not doing it right. Somehow, I don't care!

So, what do I care about? Good question!

Photo by Marcel Eberle on Unsplash

Firstly, what I care about is that in this writing economy, there is no best strategy, steps, approach, or ways to make it happen fast, quick, or slow. Sometimes, it's not about being consistent or writing every day, weekly, or monthly. This is a fact!

Photo by Possessed Photography on Unsplash

Secondly, writing is not for anyone, anybody, or everybody, even if you think you can. Even if you think you have a great story to tell the world. Even if you think you were good at it or great at it. Maybe you studied writing. Whatever you think you are and maybe might be, the myth is that writing may not be for you. That's the bitter truth, and I am sorry for saying it. Truly sorry!

Photo by Tony Hand on Unsplash

Thirdly, replicating another person's success story in writing, strategy in writing, steps and guides in writing, etc., does not guarantee you will get the same results or wins, even if you do it the right and best way. Life has many routes. Life can be complex many times. It can be hard to find what truly works. I am not saying that reading from top creators who have made it in writing would not be helpful. All I am saying is that sometimes that may not be for you. Let's dig deeper into this. Your style of writing, voice in writing, ways in writing, genre in writing, paths in writing, journey in writing, etc., may be different from what I do. So, what makes you think my way of success might work for you? Just think about it? Let me stop here!

Photo by Makarios Tang on Unsplash

Fourthly, they say consistency is the key. That might sound motivating, but is that really true? Mind you, the word consistency is relative and can become ambiguous. How many writers succeeded doing it that way? So, would you like doing it that way? Have you ever written for a full year without anyone reading or clicking your work? How would you feel? I don't encourage a lazy attitude for success if you think that's what I mean too. Okay, let's dig a little deeper further. For instance, most people believe you should have a routine for writing every day. For me, that feels enslaving. I write when I like and want to. When I feel like it. During those times when I write, I do it so easily. It's like all the words are just there. I don't find them difficult. They flow like a tap!

Another one is having a routine to post maybe once a day, or a week, or a month, so your followers will know when you post and all that. Well, I don't believe in that. If you look at my blog, I don't follow those rules. I post when I feel like it. If my followers are there, they read and drop comments and also appreciate me for it. That settles it. No one really cares. Seriously! Although some do, and I appreciate my fans who do it.

Photo by Tony Hand on Unsplash

Fifthly, write what your followers want. Write what your audience wants and needs. If you don't do that, they will leave to find someone else. While that's true, I don't buy it. I cherish my followers and my fans, but I also consider myself and other minor audiences who truly need my help. Yes!

Photo by Arno Senoner on Unsplash

Sixthly, niche down or write on a subject or topic. Let people know you for it. Build a reputation for something. While not everyone can be that, most of us are allowed to wander and explore the way we want. Not everyone can be like Neil Patel or the founder of Backlinko on SEO (whose name is Brian Dean), etc. Most of us like to explore until we settle for one thing. Thank you for understanding!

Besides, it's not permanent that my success lies in one thing. Being yourself is hard for me.

Photo by Icons8 Team on Unsplash

Lastly, every way is not the way. There are so many out there that are still believed. Topics like having a huge number of followers, reads, and stuff like that... still don't guarantee success. Success is hard to define! So, trying everything can be hard. All you have to do is sit down, think about what works best for you, and try it out. While mentoring is important, experimenting like Thomas Edison (who tried 999 times) may build the 1000th magic!

Remember the light bulb story when you write all the time.

Thank you for reading!



God'sgift Oghale Amos
Wake. Write. Win.

I am a simple "Parent Expert Doctor"...to me is all about Parenting+Family+Life+Tech+Children+Philosophy+Entrepreneur(ship)....+God!