Wanchain Progress Update — 29 March 2018

Oliver Birch
Published in
11 min readMar 29, 2018

Dear Wanchain Community,

Its been a very busy 6 weeks since our last update. We have been busy with several key strategic activities which we hope to summarize in this update.

WAN Listing

After much anticipation, we are pleased to announce that WAN is listed on Binance!


(Please do not forget that Wancoin (WAN) is not ERC-20, you must download the WAN Wallet to store them).

Download the wallet here: https://github.com/wanchain/go-wanchain/releases/tag/v1.0.0

We realize that the days leading to the listing were fraught with fear, uncertainty and doubt.

We sincerely appreciate the support and trust our community members have entrusted in Wanchain and for rising above all the noise while we focused on our vision to rebuild finance.

We are expecting several more exchanges to list WAN in the near future.


Recently we made public our partnership with Kyber Networks and added Loi Luu to Wanchain’s Advisory Board. We have also established several other partnerships that we will announce in the near future. We have also onboarded several key influencers & blockchain syndicates into our Advisory Panel, to help drive valuable projects into the Wanchain blockchain.

KyberNetwork (13th February 2018)

On the 13th of February 2018, Wanchain and KyberNetwork announced a partnership. There are 3 key parts to the partnership agreement:

1) Loi Luu joins Wanchain as an advisor.

2) KyberNetwork will build a decentralized and trustless exchange on Wanchain. This exchange (KWDEX) will enable instant conversion of crypto-assets with guaranteed liquidity.

3) Wanchain will collaborate with Kyber Network on the PeaceRelay project:

https://github.com/loiluu/peacerelay — the PeaceRelay project is aimed at allowing various communication and/or interactions between different Ethereum-forked blockchains.

“Both KyberNetwork and Wanchain are focused on building solutions that enable blockchain interoperability in order to solve blockchain’s ‘intranet’ problem,” — Dustin Byington, President of Wanchain.

Founder of Wanchain Jack Lu (left) and Founder of KyberNetwork Loi Luu (right)

Austin Blockchain Collective (15th February 2018)

Austin, TX (USA) is one of the top thriving blockchain cities in the US. Wanchain’s HQ is based in Austin, TX and has teamed up with several enterprises and crypto projects to advance blockchain education in the local community and to support, manage and grow the overall ecosystem.

“The founding participants of the Austin Blockchain Collective recognize the value of a thriving local blockchain ecosystem,” Dustin Byington

Initial participants of the ABC include:

Wanchain, Multicoin Capital, Capital Factory, Lighthouse Partners, Laurence Ventures, Factom, Decred, Steemit, TEN Capital Group, DecentraNet, AMSYS Blockchain, Austin.city, Algebraix Data, Williams Technology Group, SeriesX, UlaHealth, Kilroy Blockchain, Chain Business Insights, GovernanceChain, Hatch Crypto and Windmill Enterprise.

For further details please read this press release :

Wanchain Projects

We are happy to announce our first set of 6 projects that will launch on the Wanchain blockchain. We will make these projects public at the World Blockchain Forum in Dubai on April 16th.

We are very excited about these projects. We have been very selective in working with projects that clearly demonstrates the value pillars and vision of the Wanchain blockchain and solves real world problems for the financial market. We hope that our community will also be very excited about these projects.


Our development team has been busy at work with the Wanchain 2.0 release, scheduled for summer 2018. This release will demonstrate the cross-chain capabilities of the Wanchain blockchain with the Ethereum blockchain using Secure Multi-Party Computation. This will be the beginning of building powerful dApps on the Wanchain blockchain that can get access to digital assets that are native to any external blockchain.

We will have both Alpha and Beta releases of Wanchain 2.0. More details on these releases will be made available as we get closer to the release. So, standby for that.

NEW! WAN Wallet 1.1

The development team has been working on the new WAN wallet. The new WAN wallet (version 1.1) will be released after Ledger’s official approval on code integration. If there is a delay with Ledger integration we will release the wallet update before.

After discussing internally and reviewing the community feedback, we have made some essential changes to the wallet.

Some of the changes include:

  • WAN Wallet GUI Ledger Support
  • Removed “Redeem”
  • UI/UX change
  • Fixed IN/OUT tx
  • New wallet creation interface
  • Added new account display
  • Added password reminding
New Wanchain node connected pop-up
Address display (before and after)
Account creation (before and after)

NEW! WAN Explorer 1.1

Explorer 1.1 is being developed and will be released before May. Here are some important features to look forward to:

  • Streamlined UI design
  • Improved Breadcrumb-Navigation
  • Added block overview
  • Added token transaction details
  • Added Smart Contract details

Wanchain 2.0 Plan

The developers have finished engineering the design for the cross-chain functions. They will finish POC of cross-chain function before mid of April.

Cross-chain with Ethereum will be released summer 2018 as planned.

Ledger Nano Integration

Wanchain has been actively engaged with the Ledger development team to get support for WAN integrated. There is no ETA for Ledger support for WAN at this time, but we anticipate that the support will be released within the next 3 weeks.

The original plan was to terminate the ERC20 swap to Mainnet WAN on 31st March 2018. Although we have swapped over 94% of the ERC20 tokens, there are ERC20 token holders who are waiting on a hardware wallet support prior to token swap. We appreciate the will of these token holders and to support this request, we are extending the deadline for the token swap to 2 weeks from when Ledger will officially release the support.

If you haven’t already swapped your tokens please follow the instructions in this article:


EtherDelta Tokens

We do not have an update for these tokens yet. Our current plan is to revisit this topic after all the legitimate token swaps are completed.


The business development team has been busy attending several events, conferences and formalizing partnerships with important projects.


Conference: World Blockchain Forum (Dubai)

Date: 16th and 17th of April

Website: https://dubai.keynote.ae/sponsors/

Many members of the Wanchain team and upcoming projects will be attending this conference. There will be an announcement about the projects that will be deployed on Wanchain. Wanchain will explain what the projects consist in, the problems they are trying to solve and how it will benefit the Wanchain Ecosystem.

Conferences (past)

North American Bitcoin Conference (Miami FL, USA) — Release of Wanchain 1.0 (Mainnet)

Date: 18th January 2018

Website: https://btcmiami.com/

Founder of Wanchain Jack Lu and President, Dustin Byington, presented at the North American Bitcoin Conference. The special announcement at the event was the release of “Wanchain 1.0”.

Wanchain 1.0 is currently live and includes the explorer, wallet, privacy protection and smart contract functionality.

The Wanchain Booth at BTC Miami
President of Wanchain Dustin Byington being interviewed by CNBC

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Blockchain Technology Evolution in US and China (San Francisco CA, USA)

Date: 26th January

Website: http://www.blockchainconnectconference.com/

Jack Lu and Dustin Byington attended the Blockchain Connect Conference in San Francisco, CA. This marked the first US-China blockchain conference and included over 1000 scientists, entrepreneurs, investors and developers from all over the world.

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The Bitcoin, Ethereum and Blockchain SuperConference (Dallas TX, USA)

Date: 16–18th February 2018

Website: https://www.bitcoinsuperconference.com/speakers/

Dustin Byington spoke at the Dallas conference and hosted a meetup The main topics of discussion were:

- KyberNetwork Wanchain Decentralized Exchange (KWDEX)

- Cross-Chain applications

- Blue vs Red Ocean strategies

- Rebuilding finance on the blockchain.

Whilst in Dallas TX, Dustin Byington also conducted an interview with Coin Central about the project’s status and a few reasons (without too much detail!) to look forward to the upcoming months. https://coincentral.com/dustin-byington-wanchain-interview/

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Denver Wanchain Meetup

Date: 22nd February 2018

Event: Click here to read more about the event

Dustin was in Denver to present the Wanchain platform. Some of the topics covered were:

- Decentralized Exchanges
- Tokensale Launches
- Cross-Chain Transactions
- Ethereum Dependencies
- Compliance and Regulation

If you want to watch the full video of the presentation, please click here.

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India Roadshow

As part of Wanchain’s global outreach to new markets, Rajesh Gopi (Vice President) & Oliver Birch (Global Director for Community Management) visited India for 2 weeks in Feb 2018. India has a very vibrant blockchain ecosystem with strong projects and investment community.

Rajesh spoke at 3 different conferences and presented the Wanchain project whilst also going over the basic, core and advanced functionalities of the Wanchain blockchain and the advantages it provides for developing compelling Smart-Contract dApps with Privacy and Cross-Chain capabilities.

Overall the trip to India was a huge success. Wanchain has identified partners and projects that will immensely benefit the Wanchain ecosystem. Stay tuned for more updates as we build out the Indian ecosystem.

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BlockDelhi — Revolutionizing Blockchain in India (New Delhi, India)

Date: 21st February

Website: https://www.blackarrowconferences.com/blockdelhi.html

Vice President Rajesh Gopi explaing the core concepts of Blockchain at BlockDelhi

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Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference (Bangalore, India)

Date: 22nd February

Website: https://india.bc.events/

Rajesh Gopi speaking at the Blockchain Forum India Conference in Bangalore

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Blockchain Forum India (Mumbai, India)

Date: 27th & 28th February

The Digitalization of the World’s Assets

After attending the conferences in New Delhi and Bangalore we made it over to Mumbai to finish off the trip. We met many developers, business development managers and community managers who are going to help us build our Ecosystem and awareness in India.

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SXSW Blockchain (Austin TX, USA)

Date: 13th — 15th March

Website: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2018/events/OE2718

Founded in 1987 in Austin, Texas, SXSW is best known for its conference and festivals that celebrate the convergence of the interactive, film, and music industries. This year’s “hot topic” at SXSW was blockchain. Dustin Byington lead the “Austin: A Global Center for Blockchain Innovation” Panel on the 13th of March at SXSW.

Wanchain Team at SXSW

For further details about the panel please read:


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Hong Kong and China Roadshow

Dustin Byington and Jack Lu were in Hong Kong from the 18th — 21st March. They attended and spoke at Token2049 — https://www.token2049.com/ .

On the 24th of March, Wanchain, Aion and Icon hosted an Interoperability Event in Beijing before flying over to Hangzhou for the Global Blockchain Summit Forum on the 26th of March.

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Global Blockchain Summit Forum (Hangzhou, China)

Date: 26th March

Website: http://www.8btc.com/summit_en.html#sign_channel

Jack Lu and Dustin Byington spoke this conference alongside Wanchain partners Icon, Aion and KyberNetwork.

Global Blockchain Summit Forum (Hangzhou, China). Jack Lu (right picture).
President of Wanchain, Dustin Byington (left picture) and panel discussion with Interoperability Alliance speakers (right picture)

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New Regions

Wanchain will continue its expansion to other regions including Europe, Africa, SE Asia, South America and Australia in the immediate future. If you are interested in helping out with the local community, please get in touch with us. We are always looking for Community Managers and Business Development team members.

Last week, Rajesh attended a few networking events in London (UK) with Global Director of Business Development, Scott Trowbridge, to further expand the Wanchain presence in the UK.

Rajesh Gopi presenting Wanchain at the event “Blockchain Beyond Ethereum: the Next Chapter” in London

For further details about the event please read:


Alpha & Beta Bounties

The bounties are ready to be handed out to the participants who successfully submitted a unique bounty request prior to Wanchain 1.0 Mainnet release.

First batch of emails are being sent out in the coming weeks to selected participants.


We are going to launch a new website late April // early May. Some of the new content we are going to add:

Community — Keep track of upcoming events and conferences sponsored and/or attended by the Wanchain Team and community-driven events.

Partnerships — Keep up to date with the latest partnerships and what their key functions are in the Wanchain Ecosystem.

Advisors and Team — Highlight the key role each Wanchain Team member plays.

We are also open to suggestions from the community. Please reach out to one of our admins via any of our official social platforms if you wish to suggest improvements to the current website.

Wanchain in the media

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Community Stats

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About Wanchain

Wanchain connects and exchanges value between different blockchain ledgers in a distributed manner. It uses the latest cryptographic theories to build a non-proprietary cross-chain protocol and a distributed ledger that records both cross-chain and intra-chain transactions. Any blockchain network, whether a public, private or consortium chain, can integrate with Wanchain to establish connections between different ledgers and perform low cost inter-ledger asset transfers. The Wanchain ledger supports not only smart contracts, but also token exchange privacy protection.

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These are our official social platforms:

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/wanchain

Discord: https://discord.gg/3DpeV6W

Telegram Chat: https://t.me/WanchainCHAT

Telegram Announcements: https://t.me/WanchainANN

Medium: https://medium.com/wanchain-foundation

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wanchainfoundation

Twitter: https://twitter.com/wanchain_org

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wanchain_org

Our other Telegram Chats:

Korean Wanchain Telegram: https://t.me/wanchainkorea

Chinese Wanchain Telegram: https://t.me/WanchainChinese

South East Asia Wanchain Telegram: https://t.me/wanchainasean

+Many more coming!! (India Wanchain Telegram is coming next week).



Oliver Birch

VP - Global Communications & Growth at Wanchain