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Warning: Graphic Content
A weekly newsletter (every Friday) with links to the week’s best data visualisation, key data/digital news stories, and some light relief. Subscribe via email: http://bit.ly/WGCsubscribe. Archive at warninggraphiccontent.tumblr.com
Note from the editor

A weekly newsletter (every Friday) with links to the week’s best data visualisation, key data/digital news stories, and some light relief. Archive at warninggraphiccontent.tumblr.com. Subscribe via email: http://bit.ly/WGCsubscribe

Go to the profile of Gavin Freeguard
Gavin Freeguard
Freelance, gavinfreeguard.com. All things (usually government) data. Dataviz etc newsletter at twitter.com/WarningGraphicC.
Go to the profile of Gavin Freeguard
Gavin Freeguard
Freelance, gavinfreeguard.com. All things (usually government) data. Dataviz etc newsletter at twitter.com/WarningGraphicC.