Help Us Decide on the Next Causeway Challenge Question

Waying In
Published in
2 min readApr 27, 2016

Over the last two years, through the Causeway Challenge, we’ve released four questions to the community, and funded 42 projects with $145,000. At Causeway we strongly believe people who experience problems first hand often have the best solutions. For that reason, the Causeway Challenge is designed to give average citizens access to the resources, tools, and guidance they need to act on their ideas for the community.

As we decide on the next Causeway Challenge question, we want to hear from you. What do you think Chattanooga’s most pressing issue is? What solutions to our city’s problems might be hidden in our communities and neighborhoods? Let us know your thoughts through filling out this quick form. We will announce the Causeway Challenge question and open applications in early June, giving ten individuals the opportunity to receive $3000 and planning support for their solution to a local problem.

We are proud of the grassroots community leaders that we have seen step up with ideas through our last four Causeway Challenges. Here’s a look back at a few examples:

Causeway Challenge I:
How can we make Chattanooga a more connected city?

Everlena Holmes implemented a Block Leaders program to make her neighborhood, Avondale, safer and more connected. She is now helping several surrounding neighborhoods replicate and implement the same program.

Causeway Challenge II:
How can we make Chattanooga a city where people from all backgrounds live, work, play and learn together?

Ashley Conrad and Rondell Crier designed One Hundred 100s, a unique youth leadership program that pairs local youth from different backgrounds to work on a community-based project together. For example, Irie from CCA and Aariana from Dalewood Middle School teamed up to lead a “mobile mural” project where they recruited a collaborative group of students from different schools to help paint.

Causeway Challenge III:
How can more opportunities to play make Chattanooga a stronger city?

Roenesha Anderson was inspired to start her project, P.L.A.Y. (Police Leadership and Youth), after recognizing the high levels of tension between the urban communities she grew up in and police leadership in Chattanooga. She knows that play can be more than just fun. It can be used as a tool to break down barriers, build relationships, and create a safer, more united city for kids like her son. P.L.A.Y. will build mutual understanding between at-risk youth and police leadership through consistent, neighborhood-based sporting events and team building exercises.

Causeway Challenge IV:
How can parents help transform public education in Chattanooga?

Stay tuned, winners will be announced on May 5th!



Waying In

Causeway inspires and equips Chattanoogans to develop smarter solutions to our city's toughest challenges.