Try These 3 Tips To Overcome Writer's Block

Habiba Lotfy
How To Increase Your Followers Number
5 min readJun 12, 2023
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If you’re struggling with writing and can’t think of anything or just don’t feel like writing, you're not alone. We've all been there.

I wrote 48 articles in the last 3 months, and it still happens. It also happens to big writers with thousands of followers and hundreds of articles. So it's fine if you can't think of anything to write about.

In this article, we’ll discuss a few tips that can help you write even if you have no idea what to write about. Let’s get started.

1. Create an inspiration collection:

storyset from Freepik

- You should follow other writers in the same field and connect with anyone that looks interesting.

Also, You should check their articles and content, save what you like, and check them out later for inspiration.

- If you see a post that you like on any platform, save it.

- If you see an article that you like on any platform, save it.

- If you see a blog that you like on any platform, save it.

- If you see a carousel or video that you like on any platform, save it.

Save as much content as you like. These saved items will be your collection for inspiration when you can't think of anything to write about.

- Check out your favourite writer’s content and look for inspiration. For me, I check out:

- Jasmin Alic.

- Matt Barker.

- Justin Welsh.

They're all on LinkedIn, and they're great writers and valuable source of inspiration.

2. The best content starts with one idea:

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• To find a great idea, you can:

- Engage on social media.

- Research trending topics and write about them in your own voice and tone.

- Check other writers' content for inspiration.

- Watch YouTube videos about any topic you're interested in, and you'll generate lots of ideas.

- Scroll through different social media platforms for inspiration, whether LinkedIn, Reddit, Quora, Twitter, or any other platform.

- After you have an idea, you can publish it in several ways. You can create an article, a blog post, a thread on Twitter, a newsletter, or even a video on different social media platforms.

- All you need to do is find this great idea that'll help you generate several pieces of content.

- It's essential to make sure that you provide valuable information for your target audience.

- After publishing the first piece, you can repurpose it and write about it again.

For Instance:

You write about food. Your first article is about gluten free food and its benefits. Your second article may be about gluten free recipes and so on.

- You can take one idea and generate hundreds of topics about the same idea, but make sure that you're adding something new and valuable to it.

Here's an example:

How to use social media to market your content

I wrote an article about how to use social media to market your content. The main idea here was to promote your content on different social media platforms.

From the same idea, I wrote about a different topic, which is why you need to start sharing your work on social media.

You need to start sharing your work on social media

3. Engage with people:

pikisuperstar from Freepik

- Engaging with people is a great way to think of new ideas. Follow more people and get to know them better.

- Respond to your followers' comments and learn about what they're interested in.

- Ask them directly in the article or in the comments what they would like to read more about from you. Ask them for suggestions.

- A comment from a follower can generate new ideas for your content, so always remember to engage with your audience.

- Engaging with followers can inspire fresh ideas and increase engagement.

- Engagement also provides valuable feedback and helps you understand the audience's needs and interests, which can help you generate new content ideas that'll more likely resonate with your audience.

Finally, remember to be helpful. If someone asks you a question, be sure to answer it in a helpful and informative way, and always stay positive when you interact with your followers. This will help create a positive and welcoming environment for your audience.

Take the time to get to know them and build relationships with them.

Try to engage with your followers on a regular basis. This will help you stay top-of-mind and build stronger relationships.

What’s your advice for other writers struggling with writer’s block? Let us know in the comments.

Clap, Comment, and Follow for more. :)

Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed this article, make sure you check out my other articles. :)

#WritingTips #MediumWriters #Writers



Habiba Lotfy
How To Increase Your Followers Number

Digital Marketer, AI enthusiast, and Writer. Sharing tips and insights on these topics to help you reach your goals with confidence and creativity.