What To Write On Medium To Get More Followers — Medium Growth Tip!

Write these topics on Medium to get more followers and grow tremendously. I got 200+ followers and 1,000+ engagements with one of these content in less than….

There are two types of content that do well and engender growth on Medium and other social platforms. These contents are what people always search for on the internet. One is content that relates to them and their needs while the other is content that offers solutions. I have been writing and editing these kinds of content for almost a decade now and they always bring in the audience and engagement.

I recently (October 2022 precisely) strutted into Medium as a writer and wrote one of such content. As usual, in a single month (three months after I published the content), I got 100+ followers and 500+ engagements organically from this content. In a few more months, this content raked in 200+ followers, cool responses, and claps on my dormant page even though it was a 21-minute long read. It was also ranked number two on Medium’s SEO search page.

These kinds of content are what you should write to get more followers and grow on Medium. Without further ado, let’s delve into these content tips.😊

1. Write Evergreen Content —

Response to my Medium content
Readers’ responses that show the content is evergreen

Writers and SEO experts (like myself 😊) have been singing “evergreen content” ‘since before’ time — before Medium became a thing. They weren’t singing it for fun -naah- rather they aired this tip because it works like magic. Holl-up!

What are evergreen contents? These are contents that stand the test of time. They are forever relevant and proffer solutions or results. Simply put, evergreen contents are contents that cover topics that people will always seek answers to per time. They are search-induced contents that give answers to questions people are asking. Most health-related contents are evergreen because people are always searching for the answers.

Causes of malaria, how to prevent HIV, causes and symptoms of diabetes, how to park light for a trip, etc. are evergreen contents because there will always be a search for these contents. However, evergreen contents are not streamlined to just the health niche, they are in every niche - from writing to blogging, food, finance, motherhood, travel,- and more.

As a writer, you simply have to ask some questions and come up with these topics that are evergreen. Thereafter, write quality content on them and watch as they yield results over the years.

NOTE! In as much as these contents are referred to as evergreen, it doesn’t mean they are static. Evergreen contents also need to be updated continuously (like other contents) so they can continue to rank well on search results and stay relevant.

As humans, we will always prefer to read contents that were posted recently as opposed to one that was published decades ago. So updating your content per time seals its evergreen status — it is the icing on the cake.

TIP! Any content can be evergreen but not every content is evergreen. To make your content evergreen, you need to check off one or all of these points ;

1. Answer a question — Let your content answer a question in your niche. How-to questions with titles such as ‘How to…’, ‘easy tips…’, ‘7 ways to…’ etc. are always and mostly evergreen. Simply research on what people are searching for in your niche and write on them — Google and medium search can aid you.

2. Give tips or hacks — Everyone loves a tip or hack that solves a problem, so write contents that give tips or hacks centric. My highest ranking, engaging, and converting content on Medium is a tip-specific one. This content on how to do SEO as a newbie blogger” gave me 200+ followers and 1500+ engagements in less than five months and it is still growing my audience and followers.

3. Proffer a solution — Solutions are what make our content timeless! Everyone is searching for a solution on the internet, especially Medium. If you are able to write contents that absolutely proffer solutions on a topic -as I did with my “how to SEO” content, - people will joyfully engage with a response, clap, saves, and follow you as they did me. So ensure to write contents that give solutions on a topic or niche.

4. Offer Quality!!! — Yes I am screaming this tip — please offer quality. Do not just write shallow content on an evergreen topic. Do your audience, prospect and self the honor of delivering quality always. Write the tips in concise words and grammar, research and give updated tips, break them into easy doable steps and use descriptive images where needed.

2. Write Relatable Content -

Response to my content on how to write SEO friendly blog posts as a newbie blogger
My reader’s response emphasizes that the content is relatable.

When people are not searching or clicking on evergreen content, they are reading and engaging with relatable content. I do it and you do it too. You can’t relate yet? Here it is, as a lady, you come on Medium and see a post titled “Girl Talk” with the subtitle “Serial Killers Don’t Bake Snicker Doodles, Do They?”. The next thing you do is click and read through it with various relatable emotions. After a good read, you clap to the limit, give a heartfelt response and check the writer’s profile. You go ahead to follow her and read other of her contents before you recall that you wanted to search for “how to understand medium algorithm.”

This happened to me this morning — I have previously experienced it many other times and will continuously do so in the future and so will you. Why? Simply because the content is relatable. I can relate to it as a person (professionally or otherwise), the topic affects me as a human and an individual so I go on to digest it to the fullest. We all experience this and such content is what you should be writing to grow and get more followers on Medium. You can relate now, right?

So what are relatable contents? Relatable Contents are contents that resonate with a person ( your reader or audience). They are majorly contents on a trending topic, niche, area of life, age, or race that the reader relates with. These contents center on things, perspectives, happenings, events or status quo that people can relate with per time.

Relatable contents are topics that are the talk of the moment or always spark conversations. Most times, relatable contents are trendy like UGC, self-care or glute workout while other times they are evergreen static topics like gender equality, abortion, or SEO. Personal stories, gender topics, race topics, food topics, etc. that are trendy and dominating global or geographical discussions can form relatable content. All that is needed is for the writer to pick a topic or niche and write on it.

However, there are three categories of relatable content that writers should explore to grow on Medium and every other writing platform;

1. Trendy content: These are contents that center on or cover topics that are trendy or the talk of the moment e.g. when it is the sunny season, writing summer content across various niches becomes relatable. So when you write content on “5 Outfits you can rock this Summer” or “7 Nutritious D.I.Y Smoothies for Summer” prospects will engage because it is the season and they can relate to it.

2. Conversational content: These are contents centered around topics that spur a conversation, debate or discussion. Most controversial evergreen topics are always effective for conversational content. Topics such as gender equality, sex, girl child education, etc. make good conversational content. When you write a content titled “I will quit without an equal pay raise ”, people will relate and engage because gender equality, especially in the workforce, is a conversational topic that is a highly relatable topic.

3. Audience-related content: Every writer has an audience and this audience has interests and content that relates to them. You can never go wrong with writing content that relates to your audience (i.e. content that they look forward to reading) because they will always engage. When you write such content and have great engagement the algorithm pushes your content to a wider audience who are interested in similar content — a win for you. Your personal experiences like the ‘girl talk’ content above can be written as relatable content.

TIP! You can get insight into the content your audience is interested in on Medium by scrolling to the end of your audience stats page. Choose any of those topics and create quality content around them.

My Medium Audience Interest
My audience interest currently — It evolves as your audience grows

So there are always relatable contents across every niche you just need to research and write. If you explore all three categories of relatable content, publishing quality over quantity, you will certainly have a wide range of audience, followers and engagement. This I know from experience and the fact that people love and subscribe to quality.

However, It’s not only about writing evergreen and relatable content, engaging in the following ways also helps a lot;

1. Publish on great publications — When you share your content with a good publication, you have a wider audience that can easily convert to followers.

2. Clap, comment, and respond — Clap on contents that you read — c’mon show the love. Also, comment on articles that you enjoy and always, engage by responding and clapping to your comments.

3. Write often! Be consistent! — The more quality content you write, the more followers you will get. This is also a prompt to me because I have gone MIA here (thanks to many off-the-hook tasks and deadlines to meet) but I am back — hopefully. Imagine I have consistently written more weekly evergreen and relatable content over the past months, raking in 200 more followers every week. At this point, I will be having over 2000 followers right? consistency does pay so let’s hack it together.

4. Link your content — I made this the last tip because I want you to remember it always. Do well to link to other well-ranking or engaging content you have or read on the platform. Links have always been result-yielding since the early days of SEO and they are still valid

5. Use great photos — Pictures make your content more appealing. They can make your audience click or not. Your headline (title) and featured image are the first impressions you have to get people to read your content, so make it count. The quality of the content in the copy and other photos will keep them glued, engaged, and wanting to comment, save, link back, and follow you — so do well to give it your best shot always.

Yes! we are finally at the end of this content. Thank you for reading, learning, and engaging to the end. I will be glad to share many more Medium-specific, writing, SEO, and blogging content from my experience bank and as I explore this platform more.

However, I want to share more of what you will love to read — so kindly respond with any content or topic you will love me to write on and see it done 😊.

Till the very next article comes your way pretty soon, I remain your favorite writer next door — bringing you the best writing, blogging, SEO, and content creation tips with a sprinkle of food, fashion, lifestyle, and beauty.




The Maryann's diary
How To Increase Your Followers Number

A passionate writer sprinkling doses of love and insights on blogging, SEO, lifestyle and all things good. ❤