We Are HoneyBook
We Are HoneyBook
Published in
6 min readAug 2, 2023


What We Value at HoneyBook

Today, we’re going to talk about company values. You may refer to them as core values or corporate values, but at the end of the day they all boil down to the same thing: they’re the philosophies, beliefs, and principles that unite a group of people in pursuit of a common business goal. Company values shape company culture and impact business strategy. How? Having a core set of guiding principles makes it easier for a company to make decisions, to foster teamwork, and to facilitate collaboration. Without them, an organization may flounder in the absence of team cohesion, purpose, and commitment. Furthermore, when an organization doesn’t take the time to define their values, they tend to evolve on their own, often to the detriment of the organization.

At HoneyBook, one of the first tasks our leadership team undertook when founding the company 10 years ago was to define our values as a company. It was an endeavor they took seriously, for they understood that what they were defining in that moment would impact the organization for years to come. Their diligence paid off. Today, HoneyBook continues on a path of healthy growth, fosters an award-winning culture, and continues to stretch the limits of what is possible when it comes to enabling independents to spend more time doing what they love and less time running their business. This could not have been possible without the guardrails a core set of values provides. It’s worth mentioning that our values haven’t changed all that much over the years, highlighting the fact that when approached with thoughtfulness, company values have the capacity to provide consistent guidance in a company’s formative years, when so much is changing constantly.

All that being said, there came a time when the HoneyBook we saw in the mirror was no longer the young, inexperienced child of a company we’d started off as. No, the face looking back at us had lived, had learned, and was committed to applying those lessons toward accelerating growth. So, to commemorate 10 years at HoneyBook we took a good, hard look at the values that had gotten us this far and asked ourselves: “Will these same values get us through the next 10?”

In some cases, the answer was a resounding yes. In others, there was a bit of a metamorphosis that took place. (I can’t help but conjure the image of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly, because the process really was analogous.) There were fragments of certain core values that we wanted to maintain, but it was clear that in their present state they no longer served us. That meant dissecting, thinking thoughtfully, and soliciting viewpoints from across the organization so that the values that more closely aligned with the HoneyBook we had become, while at the same time giving us something to aspire to, could emerge. We actually built a task force made up of employees across teams and levels of the organization to this end. Believe me, it is not something we took lightly.

What emerged was a hybrid of old and new: the best of what had helped get us this far, coupled with a fresh set of principles that would guide us for years to come. In no particular order, I give you HoneyBook’s values for 2023 and beyond:

People come first.

As we work through challenges and opportunities, people are the priority in our decisions.

This means that…

As a company, we’ll face pressure from factors both in and out of our control. Ultimately, our members’ success is our success. Through thick and thin, the best thing for our employees and members is the best thing for the company.

As individuals, we’re empathetic and compassionate toward our members and each other.

As a team, we embrace diversity, inclusion, and belonging. We work to help individual employees achieve their goals through professional development and mentorship to put them on the best path to success — even if that path leads them to a different role or team.

We care deeply about our members’ business, working life, and well-being. We aim to build a community of support and resources that help our members thrive.

Keep it real.

At HoneyBook, authenticity, respect, and transparency run in the family. Innovation and growth come when we welcome diverse ideas, perspectives, and backgrounds.

This means that…

As a company, we value open communication, respectful disagreement, and actively share thoughts and feedback. We move together as one in an inclusive and safe environment.

As individuals, we stay true to ourselves while respecting others. We’re humble, open-minded, collaborative, and altruistic.

As a team, we show up for each other. We set clear expectations and make stronger connections knowing we’re safe to freely express ourselves.

We work to understand our members’ reality so they know we’re not living in a tech company fairytale.

Raise the bar.

We perpetually push for greatness — for ourselves, each other, and our members. Our ambition is contagious. We deliver the extraordinary, knowing that progress precedes perfection.

This means that…

As a company, we strive for progress, improvement, and excellence in all we do, from our culture to our product.

As individuals, we have a growth mindset. We push ourselves to learn, grow, and do our best work knowing failure is part of the process.

As a team, we lean on each other’s strengths and expertise to deliver what we could never achieve alone.

Our members’ businesses are always evolving. So, we work to anticipate their needs and deliver innovative solutions that surprise, delight, and exceed their expectations.

Own it.

Our culture of trust and ownership empower us to move fast with alignment, make decisions with confidence, and work toward our goals without fear of setbacks or failure.

This means that…

As a company, we empower ourselves to move forward with clear objectives and strategies. We support individuals and teams with the resources they need to succeed, remove barriers when they arise, and trust their judgment.

As individuals, we’re empowered to take responsibility for our domain, tackle problems head-on, and work to make a difference in things large and small. We all have the opportunity to make an impact. No matter what our job title might be, we’re all leaders and nothing is someone else’s problem.

As a team, we’re empowered to own our successes and learn from failures. We openly communicate without over-communicating. We’re accountable to our commitments and execute together without tipping a delegation domino.

We empower our members to own their future. The life they want is powered by the business they build, and that business runs on HoneyBook.

We love what we do.

We energize each other with enthusiasm for our work — and we smile proudly at the positive impact it has on the world. We take time to enjoy this journey we’re on — through all the ups and downs.

This means that…

As a company, we love what we create for our members.

As individuals, we’re passionate about our role and can honestly tell our grandparents, “I love what I do,” even if they’ll never fully understand what we do for a living.

As a team, we’re inspired by the talent and passion that’s all around us. And we’re even more excited to call each other our friends.

We love empowering our members to find joy and purpose in their own working life.

Sound like the kind of place you’d love to work? Check out our current openings.



We Are HoneyBook
We Are HoneyBook

Meet the HoneyBookers empowering independent service-based businesses with the tools they need to be successful doing what they love: www.honeybook.com/careers