Sentinels Program Phase III

We are Talisman
Published in
3 min readJul 20, 2022

Sentinels Program Phase III is about to launch, and we have 7 team roles and 1 captain role open for application. We encourage anyone from the Dotsama community with an interest in contributing and a passion for Talisman to apply!

Build to Learn

Hello again and welcome to Phase III, the latest update to the Talisman Sentinels program. As we’ve mentioned in the past, we have taken an iterative approach to community building. This means that we have built organizational structures with the aim to learn, repeat, and grow.

Ultimately, the goal is to evolve an effective team of Sentinels that can work adjacent to the Guardians (i.e., product and design teams), and that will continue to shape and amplify Talisman and its community.

What’s New in Phase III?

In the last phase, we realized that distributed teams perform best when there is a healthy balance of both 1) Structure and 2) Autonomy. Too much of either, and motivation and/or output suffer.

With these and other lessons in mind, the structure in Phase III has been adjusted as such:

  • Smaller teams — We have split the original 2 Sentinel teams into 4 teams, with even more clearly defined work areas, so that teams can work deeper rather than broader;
  • Increased Captain roles — Because there are now more teams, there are now also more opportunities for Sentinels to grow into Captain roles if they so choose;
  • Improved alignment — This phase shall have more structured interaction between Sentinels and Guardians, along with improved documentation of goals and progress.

We hope that this will provide a solid foundation for further program improvements.

Team Formation

In this new phase, the previous Sentinel teams (Signals Corps and Paraverse Watch) have been split into two teams each. Signals Corps has been split into International Envoys and Broadcasters. Paraverse Watch is now dedicated to support, and a new team (Stewards) has been established for moderation and engagement.

International Envoys

Inter-Paraverse messengers.

  • Moderate international Discord channels
  • Translate announcements, articles, tutorials and locales
  • Push content into the Paraverse


Masters of frequency and wavelength.

  • Prepare Talisman Meditations flow
  • Record, edit, and post Meditations content
  • Coordinate with guest speakers

Paraverse Watch

Our community’s first line of defense.

  • Respond to bug reports and manage tickets
  • 24/7 Discord moderation & help desk
  • Maintain help documentation


Architects of community engagement.

  • Welcome and onboard users
  • Run engagement campaigns
  • Create and/or post interesting content

Program Incentives

Are you interested in becoming a Sentinel? Besides the chance to work with a capable and merry band of people from all corners of the world, Sentinels also get compensated for their time and contributions.

Compensation — Contributing Sentinels will be compensated every two weeks in USD stablecoin or equivalent amount in KSM.

Commendations — Sentinels have the opportunity to earn additional Commendations upon the completion of bonus tasks. Commendations are NFT’s that allow us to reward and record outstanding contributions from community members.

Sentinel Status — Sentinels also receive a unique Discord role, with access to private Discord channels to engage with other Sentinels and Guardians.

Sign me up!

We welcome anyone from the Dotsama community to apply for Phase III. We hope to see some new members join us on this next phase and journey.

Hop onto our Discord for a full list of roles and openings. There you will also find the form, just fill it out and tell us which role you are interested in and why you would make a great addition to the team.

Application Period: July 20 — Until Roles are Filled

Phase III Period: Aug 01 — Nov 30, 2022

About Talisman

Talisman is a crypto wallet that unlocks a new world of cross-chain web3 applications on Polkadot and Kusama. It allows you to create, own, and manage all your accounts in one place, and to safely send, store and receive assets. The Talisman wallet extension is available for Chrome, Brave, and Firefox, and its feature-rich asset dashboard is accessible on the Talisman web app.

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