How Is Content Created for AinoAid™ Services?

Domestic violence is a global problem and affects millions of people. It causes several problems not only for the victims of violence but for the whole family. Also, perpetrators suffer, and in order for them to end their violent behaviour, they need help.

AinoAid™ by We Encourage
AinoAid™ by We Encourage
5 min readJan 6, 2023


Due to the fact that violence at home is not a black-and-white issue, generally, it is very hard to recognize what is considered violence. When it comes to physical violence, it is pretty easy to understand. But, for example, mental violence and economic violence are much harder to distinguish. Sometimes also, sexual violence in a relationship might be hard to spot.

Domestic abuse, also called “domestic violence” or “intimate partner violence”, can be defined as a pattern of behavior in any relationship that is used to gain or maintain power and control over an intimate partner. Abuse is physical, sexual, emotional, economic or psychological actions or threats of actions that influence another person. This includes any behaviors that frighten, intimidate, terrorize, manipulate, hurt, humiliate, blame, injure, or wound someone. Domestic abuse can happen to anyone of any race, age, sexual orientation, religion, or gender. It can occur within a range of relationships including couples who are married, living together or dating. Domestic violence affects people of all socioeconomic backgrounds and education levels. (UN)

AinoAid™ content is co-created with people affected by domestic violence.

From our interviews with domestic violence survivors, we have learned that it indeed is hard to recognize and admit there is violence in the relationship. There is a need to understand the issue better, to learn about the cycles, and what is acceptable and what is not acceptable behaviour in a healthy relationship. Many of the interviewed survivors told us that they had a very high threshold to contact any help providing services because they felt that they were not having “enough serious problems”, even though they actually did suffer from very serious violence. They wanted first to learn more and acquire knowledge before reaching out for help. However, they found it challenging to find reliable sources of information they could relate to.

I think the victim is very poorly able to search out help. There was a really big threshold for me to even search on Google intimate partner violence. It was already a really big step. I couldn’t contact existing organizations, I felt it was happening somewhere far away, I felt I wasn’t their client. I knew there was Naisten Linja and Ensi- ja Turvakoti, but I couldn’t ever contact them. It scared me, I was afraid, what would happen if I contacted them. I knew that if I contacted I would have to say what the situation really was. Shame influenced me, I couldn’t put it into words. (Survivor)

Based on the experiences of the violence survivors, our domestic violence professionals, Elli and Katja, who have long experience in supporting people affected by domestic violence, create the content for our AinoAid services.

AinoAid™ services include a chatbot, which is trained to have useful information related to domestic violence, and it is capable of having conversations with users who want to understand better what is going on in their relationship. Most of the survivors explained how hard it is to speak about their worries because, first of all, they are ashamed of the situation and, secondly, because they are afraid and uncertain of their feelings and thoughts. Often, the perpetrator uses gaslighting tactics and makes the victim believe it’s all their fault or that they just imagined everything.

AinoAid™’s chat content is created to educate and guide.

AinoAid™ chat and knowledge base content is created by Elli and Katja, who have been working for years with victims, perpetrators and children affected by domestic abuse. They offer therapeutic discussion support for people affected by domestic violence via their company Hyvinpitely Oy. Elli and Katja are also partners of We Encourage, and AINO chat is their collective voice, offering a supportive shoulder for anyone affected by domestic violence.

AinoAid™’s chatbot content and discussion support are created by Elli’s and Katja’s experience working as therapists. They have a vast understanding of what type of questions and concerns people have and what type of emphatic yet firm and supportive support and help people need for. AinoAid services are not only created to support victims but, in the future, also perpetrators, who might have an even higher threshold to seek and reach out for help. Also, families and friends will be able to find support and help from the AI tool in the future.

Content creation for AinoAid™ is a continuous process, and AinoAid™ will become better as users interact with it. Elli and Katja make sure that the content and the AinoAid™ replies are helpful for the users and that it is safe to use the AI tool.

Reliable, supportive and therapeutic discussion support provided by a machine is a safe way for the users to start educating themselves about their situation. With the content trained to the AinoAid™ tool, created by violence professionals and inspired by survivors, people affected by violence can take the first steps without the fear of speaking about the problem with humans. AinoAid™ provides them with the support and guidance they need and the encouragement to reach out to support services. This lowers the threshold to reach out for help as people are more educated and knowledgeable about their situation and rights.

AinoAid™’s content is created in such a way that the user can browse through the relevant information and contact details and interact with the chatbot by asking questions and sharing concerns and worries. AINO will guide them towards the right type of support services and provide comforting discussion support.

We Encourage is proud to be part of IMPROVE.

IMPROVE is an EU consortium project funded by EU Horizon, where We Encourage is a lead partner in developing AinoAid services.

IMPROVE project develops several tools to increase reporting and detection of domestic violence by empowering the victims to understand their rights for services and justice, and by supporting Police Authorities, Civil Society Organizations and other frontline responder organisations to enhance their competencies to utilize innovative solutions that enable and accelerate policy implementation. (IMPROVE)



AinoAid™ by We Encourage
AinoAid™ by We Encourage

The AinoAid™ service's chatbot and knowledge bank for people seeking help with their close relationships and professionals supporting them.