She Unit Uganda empowers uneducated girls

#takeaction podcast guest Christina Namusaazi is the founder of She Unit Uganda, an organization established to increase the living standards of girls who have not had the opportunity to attend school, or have dropped out due to early marriage or pregnancy.

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She Unit Uganda (SUU) is a community based organization based in Kampala, Uganda. The vision is to create financially independent ladies and it’s mission is to empower women.

The goals of the NGO are:

  1. Provide teenage girls with skills that will help them earn a living and become financially independent citizens.
  2. Making the girl child feel recognized in the society despite the fact that they didn’t get a chance to go to school.

She Unit Uganda helps young girls that didn’t have a chance to go to schoo and give them a chance to redefine their future. The organization does it by giving them vocational training in hairdressing, makeup, pedicure and manicure free of charge because these girls are from vulnerable poor families.

The girls learn skills to run their own businesses and they are supported in believeing in themselves and their abilities to provide to themselves and their families. The girls in SUU programs are aged between 12 to 20. Some of them are already married and having children. In Uganda, many of the girls at the age of 18 have already 4–5 children.

Girls are considered as a source of income for their families as the families are looking for the brital money. Most of the parents don’t care to whom their daughter will be married to, it can be an old man with 3 wives. — Christina Namusaazi

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We Encourage ❤️ She Unit Uganda

A matchmaking cause

She Unit Uganda is a partnering organization for We Encourage and we are looking for individuals willing to create a small-scale fundraising cause to support their mission. Interested to learn more? Please contact us or apply to create a cause!

The target cause for the fundraising is to reach out to marginalized girls in villages and train them. The reason for the outreach is because most of the girls in villages can’t afford to access to our offices for training since it requires transport and accommodation, for this reason Christina and her team decided to create an opportunity for the girls to be trained in their own villages.

We will be going to those villages with our supplies after organising everything with the village leaders,each group with be trained for a period of five months and we award them with certificates at the end of the training. — Christina Namusaazi

Would you like to support She Unit Uganda by creating a cause for them? Or create your own fundraising cause?
#takeaction and apply here!

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