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ELIC sends high-quality teachers to some of the most remarkable places on earth.
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Grateful for Our Teachers

It is with grateful hearts that we get to kick of this fabulous month of thanks. We want to start out by thanking our teachers, without whom none of this would be possible.

At ELIC we believe that education is a gift, and that all people are capable of…

Who We Are

By Rob Green

Summer Teaching Program

Like you, I’ve been asked hundreds of times over my tenure at work, “What do you do” and “Who do you work for”? My answer, up until recently has been the same, “I recruit and raise funds for a non-profit NGO who sends…

Sending New Teachers to Harbin

By Jenn Smyth

I always love this time of year when the ELIC family sends off our new teachers to Asia. Especially so today as I met this new friend who’s headed to teach in #Harbin, China (where I also taught for 2 years), AND we have a couple of…

Something Sweet and Thoughtful

By Rebekah Cornelius

Sometimes I come back to the office after being away and someone has mailed me something sweet and thoughtful. I am blessed to work with many young adults as they transition out of college and tithe a year or more of their lives…