$YFI AMA Karaoke!

Published in
3 min readJul 31, 2020
  • The AMA video
  • Trolls and sponsors
  • Thank you economy
  • What’s next?

The AMA video

As announced earlier, We invited Cooper Turley (the Editor of DeFi Rate and a frequent contributor to the Defiant) for the interactive AMA session and here is how it went.

Organising the group AMA session was a bit like going to Karaoke box with friends. You may or may not know everyone. Some people sing more songs and others are less. No one is professional singers but you have fun singing together. That’s the vibe I wanted to bring to the session.

I probably knew about half the participants and the other half came from various DAO communities as I initially announced the event at a Metacartel telegram chat channel.

We did a quick round the table introduction while waiting for people to check in.

I was initially worried that people may keep silent so had dozens of questions prepared but that was not necessary as people rapidly fired plenty of questions for the entire session with minimum moderation.

Trolls and Sponsors

One of the reasons we asked people to stake is to show commitment to turn up as well as using as a governance tool to slash if the person misbehaves. Unfortunately, we had one person who joined without RSVP and he got the link from trolling to pretend as one of the attendees who did not turn up. In the end, we wasted about 10 min dealing with him. It is the interest of each participant NOT to share the zoom link to prevent such trolls. On the bright side, we had Igor Barinov (POA) who RSVPed but did not turn up. We think he deliberately did that to encourage people to use Kickback on xDai. Thank you, Igor!!

Thank you economy

One of the reasons I wanted to try this AMA session was to try out our new contribution feature which allows participants to tip portion of the payout back to the speaker.

Half the people withdraw immediately after the event is over and pretty much everybody donated half or all the commitment they staked. I personally felt quite good to be able to show gratitude. Hope other people liked the feature, too and it incentives speakers to do such a session more often.

What’s next?

I really had fun and observed more knowledge than any other virtual event I have participated in and would love to do more.

For the next AMA session, we are planning to invite Hugh Karp from Nexus Mutual.

With the rise of yield farming popularity, the risk and concern against smart contract would be higher than ever (especially the fact that YFI creator is known for “I test in prod”).

The date is TBD, but follow our twitter account to get notified once the event is announced. Like last time, we are restricted the slot to have high-density conversation with our participants.

Please also recommend/refer us to any other experts in the yield farming area so that we can schedule more of these in the future.

