NFTs, NFT Programming, Investing

Doctor Sniffy NFTs Help a Hong Kong Dog Rescue — Insider Pics and an Awesome Generative Art Preview

Dogs and code — what more could you ask for?

A pic from the Big Tree Animal Sanctuary, a dog (and cat) rescue facility in Hong Kong that will benefit from the Dr. Sniffy NFT drop. This doggo is called Mung Mung. :-)

Man, I’ve coded SO many NFT sets now! And, it’s always super exciting to receive artwork from the NFT artist, as that’s often the first time I get to see how organized things are art-wise. Have they set things up properly? How organized are the groupings? How does it look for potential conflicts between various properties / layers? You just never fully know. (That link above is to my article on setting up artwork for generative coding — super helpful if you’re an artist getting into generative NFTs.)

Sometimes, though, things are just textbook examples of how to execute on an idea. I don’t believe we had a single logic rule required for Dr. Sniffy, as each of the layers were built to fit together perfectly without any conflicts. (Not that I mind implementing custom logic when required, of course; I’ve done some unimaginably complex sets to date.)

Let me show you an example NFT from the set, and then I’ll talk about the art a bit more:

