NFTs, NFT Marketing, Generative NFTs

Chronicling the “What the Fluff?” Drop — Wild Marketing Including a Rug Scare Stunt for Good Measure

Tracking an NFT drop that basically did everything textbook perfect (well, aside from not flufflisting me!). But then it got really weird!

FEB 1, 2023 UPDATE: This drop was incredibly unusual, and I’m going to have to probably write a follow-up piece on it. Hopefully what appears below makes sense, as I was chronicling events as they happened, and it just got super unusual.

If you look at the what the fluff? Twitter feed, you can see that they came online on January 18, barely two weeks ago from today. So, I just want to chronicle what I witnessed, as a lot of my readers are NFT drop founders and like to know about cases that catch the imagination of Twitter and the NFT space. Right off the bat, it was clear that what the fluff? had something unique.

Between the 18th and today, I counted about 84 monsters that they shared. That’s 84 out of a 5,000 set, which is a bit more than most drops share pre-reveal. (Many drops do NOT share this many images simply because it would be inevitable that scammers would harvest them and list them online.) I even have an article here on Medium where I recommend not sharing too many. Perhaps that…

