NFTs, Marketing, Twitter, Influencers

NFT-Space Influencers: My Definition of What an Ideal NFT Influencer’s Qualifications Look Like. Part 1 of 2!

Part one of a two-part article. This one focuses on defining the term “influencer” as it applies to the NFT space in particular.

Hopefully the metaphor here is clear. Whomever is up on the stage has influence. Thousands will eagerly buy into whatever they recommend, regardless of the merits of whatever it is. Photo by Diana Mialik on Unsplash.

Back in January, I published a piece on affiliate marketing in the web3 / NFT space. To be honest, I thought it might create some real waves in the space, as we had rolled out a program that was truly innovative and out-of-the-ordinary. It also (at least to me) seemed to be something the NFT space desperately needed.

Not only that, but every single NFT team we told about this idea responded in the exact same manner: “We love the idea!”

Not only that, but various NFT-space influencers were sounding off about the need for increased transparency in the influencer marketing area.

However, it’s not without some irony that I’d add that I’m personally not an influencer, which means my own reach as a writer / dev / artist in the space simply isn’t enough to start a space-wide conversation, regardless of how needed such a conversation may be.

That said, I knew that the ultimate goal for trying out the idea laid out in that article would be to get an actual…

