NFTs, Marketing, Influencers

“Show Me You Are Serious and Not Some Bogus Project” (Actual Quote from an NFT “Influencer”)

The struggle continues here in part two of a series on influencer marketing in the NFT space.

The mataphor here? It’s that marketing in the NFT space is a long road. Well, unless you’re connected. But if you’re here, you’re probably just like me — not exactly an influencer yourself. So yeah, it’s a long haul. Buckle up and enjoy the ride. Photo by Matt Duncan on Unsplash.

In part one of this series, I offered up my personal definition of what counts as a true influencer in the NFT space. My definition was highly specific, and included examples of accounts that don’t count (in my book).

Like it or not, influencers have all of the power in the NFT world, regardless of whatever handful of so-called organic-phenomenon projects that people might cite when discussing NFT marketing. Yes, I’ll concede that a few unexpected success stories creep into the zeitgeist from time to time. But more often than not, it’s all run by those with true influence.

Twitter itself (THE critical platform, as I asserted in part one) makes things no easier in the NFT space. For my ongoing GlitchDeck project, I became rather frustrated with trying to find a legitimate influencer and decided to try a promoted tweet. (I guess I thought giving money to Elon Musk might be smarter than giving it to some supposed “influencer” I’d never heard of).

I soon learned another NFT lesson, though. Turns out trying to market NFTs on Twitter will get you banned…

