NFTs, NFT Drops, NFT Drop Teams

The Offset Approach to Fair NFT Reveals, and Other Metadata Reveal Strategies / Considerations

The Bored Ape approach, refined a bit, is still my favorite.

Prereveal -> Reveal. I’ve written about this before, of course. But this article goes much deeper.

Hopefully, you’re familiar with generative NFT reveals, and how that works. If not, I have an article on NFT reveals here. Beyond that, I’d like to chat a bit more in-depth about reveals — specifically, handling them in a way that’s fair (and provably so, ideally).

As a dev in the web3 space, there’s a strong theme of building trustless applications. Largely speaking, web3 has done a great job of this. After all, when you have a smart contract with a list of shareholders, and you hit that “distribute shares” button, the code has no choice but to do exactly what you code it to do (which is, in this case, to send the crypto out to the recipients in exactly the way it’s supposed to). It’s unchangeable and a beautiful thing, provided it’s done right.

That said, I’ve seen devs do some unbelievably shady stuff. So, while we all like to throw terms like “trustless” around (and, indeed, the ecosystem can aspire to that), I feel like there’s always some measure of trust, especially in the devs. And, in turn, I should note that even devs aren’t 100% protected, as clients can do super shady things as well…

