web3 Warri hosted 170 plus attendees at the Federal University of Petroleum Resources Nigeria for the Arbitrum University Event

Charles Freeborn
web3 Warri
Published in
2 min readFeb 15, 2024


170 plus people attended the web3 Warri Arbitrum University Event

Group photo of some of the attendees at the Federal University of Petroleum Resources, Effurun, Nigeria Arbitrum event

On Saturday, February 10, 2024, the web3 Warri community hosted 170 plus students, researchers, and developers to the web3 Warri Arbitrum universities events — this is the first in the series of university events aimed at introducing Arbitrum to students, researchers and developers across three selected tertiary institutions in Delta State, Nigeria.

Host and Anchor — Martha gets the event started

The web3 Warri community is poised towards “building the next generation of internet builders” through meetups, workshops, hackathons, and conferences.

And in alignment with Arbitrum's “initiatives for institutional community growth,” we excitedly hosted the first university event focused on blockchain, layer 2, and Arbitrum as the protagonist at the Federal University of Petroleum Resources Effurun, Nigeria.

Charles Chiawka taking a technical session on “Building DApps on Arbitrum”

Attendees had the opportunity to learn about blockchain technology — the fundamental concepts, layer 2s and Arbitrum as a layer 2 solution to scale Ethereum, building smart contracts — DApps on the Arbitrum chain, and how to contribute to the Arbitrum ecosystem.

What Next or Next Stop?

A cross section of attendees at the event

If you are a student, developer, researcher, or perhaps you are interested in blockchain technology, and you missed this event. Not to worry, the web3 Warri team and our amazing speakers will be at the Delta State Univerisity, Abraka Nigeria for the second Arbitrum University event on Friday February 16, 2024 by 11 am.

See our meetup page for more details. You can also follow us on X.

Thankful to our sponsor— Arbitrum and Speakers

And it’s a wrap — group photo with the team, volunteers and one of our speakers

Special thanks to the Arbitrum Foundation for supporting this series of events.

And to our amazing speakers — Charles Chiawka, Charles Freeborn(myself), Dr Kami, Constance, and host — Martha, thank you!



Charles Freeborn
web3 Warri

Founder web3 Warri and Charlies Codage | Technical Writer