[Mother’s Day Campaign] Pick a Gift for your Customers! Mother’s Day Marketing Campaign and DEMO

WEBA International
Published in
5 min readApr 28, 2020

Mother’s Day is Coming! Seize Opportunities Now!

Are you ready for this year’s Mother’s Day marketing? The target audience of Mother’s Day is actually wider than you think. Besides the children who give gifts to their moms, the mothers-in-law, the wives, and even the mothers themselves are the target audience.

In addition, to think about the essence of Mother’s Day, the most important thing is to express gratitude to moms and to suggest products that are truly suitable for different audiences. This article will show you the process of Mother’s Day marketing step by step, and examples of marketing campaigns made with WEBA!

How to start your Mothers Day marketing?
Here are the key points and process for your reference.

1. Grab the value of Mother’s Day: Thanking Moms.

Some Mother’s Day advertisements or videos will try to capture customers’ emotions by telling stories. Most of the marketing activities feature a warm and affectionate storyline to describe mothers as heroes. In order to stay close to customers, it is also a very popular way to create marketing campaigns based on true stories.

For example, an American kitchen paper towels brand Brawny launched a well-known ad “Once a mother, always a giant.” The Brawny advertisement describes the mothers’ heroic presence from the children’s perspectives. It’s real, funny, and also touching.

The Brawny ad describes the mothers’ heroic presence from the children’s perspectives.

Brawny invited families to participate in this project. Kids will wear on Snapchat Spectacles so that the interactions between the children and the mothers will be recorded. From the perspective of the children, their mother is indeed a reliable giant who will always guard them. In this case, it not only evokes the public’s emotions but connects the brands’ durable kitchen paper towels with the tough image of mothers.

2. Bring your mother to not only Online but also Offline Interaction!

Online interaction attracts customers to participate in your campaigns because it’s fun. Online interaction and also leads to offline visits so that parents and children can experience at the stores in person. For example, a DIY activity for parents and kids, or invite customers to take their mothers to enjoy spa, massage, or dining. After all, the meaning of Mother’s Day is to be with mothers and family!

Besides creating online campaigns, Mother’s Day event could be led to offline interaction.

Mcdonald’s Taiwan once launched the “Order your Love for Mother’s Day” Campaign. The children order food for their moms on Mother’s Day and will get free Sesame Sundae.

3. Every Mother is Unique! Create quiz campaigns to help customers choose gifts perfect for their mothers (with examples)

The trend of personalization is becoming more and more obvious. It is no longer feasible to use the same products to impress everyone! When it comes to gifts, everyone has different needs and preferences. That’s being said, the enterprise can help customers to select suitable products, for example, create a quiz campaign as a gift guide, after the customers answering the questions about their mothers step by step, they will get recommended gifts according to the results and in a personal way.

After that, the enterprise can promote its products and discounts by links or lottery games. The campaign will be more fun and attractive, scan the QR Code or click on the link below to see the demo!

Demo Link:https://mothersday-blogdemo.ryzoweba.io/

4. Don’t forget data and remarketing

Last but not least, remember to collect the relevant data from campaigns for future remarketing! For instance,

1. Which kind of marketing activities get the most participants?
2. Which channels and methods reach the most customers?
3. What content do customers like?

The analysis of the target audience is also a very important part! If you don’t want to guess and try new marketing strategies every year, try to publish several types of marketing activities in the same year. Figure out your target audience types and customers’ preferences with data. Analyzing data in real-time also helps to keep track of their change of taste.

Analyze data for each campaign and understand the target audience for future marketing campaigns.

How WEBA Helps to Achieve Marketing?

1. Drag and drop to make a Website Fast: Finish an online campaign in 1 hour, on average.

The biggest feature of WEBA is that websites and marketing plans can be done by drags and drops. You can see the results of your design while you are editing it on the editing workspace. You can directly arrange your pages, layouts, and select elements to complete the mobile version of the websites. Applying the template is even more time-saving, you can complete a campaign on an average of one hour.

Drag and drop to create an online campaign in WEBA editing workspace.

2. Theme Templates of All Kinds: Used in various holidays or marketing purposes.

There are hundreds of templates for different occasions, industries, or website types in WEBA. Enterprises can easily refer to the template design and directly select one to edit and make it yours! The mobile-first website allows customers to receive promotions and product information, as well as interact easier online.

3. Interaction Module: Create online interaction fast.

There are currently 9 interactive lottery elements in the Interaction Module. Enterprises can set up an interactive website by drags and drops. Through online interaction, not only can you attract customers immediately, give them the content of the event, but also successfully lead customers to offline consumption!

Select a gift box in the Interaction module and set up styles and prize options.

4. Measurement and Report Module: Track down the performance of each campaign.

With WEBA Measurement and Report Module, data from every campaign will be collected in the analytical dashboard. Besides Google analytics data, Excel PivotTable analysis is also available. Enterprises can not only view all the data but also download reports with one click. The most important thing is to compare the effectiveness of multiple marketing campaigns as reference of optimization for future events.

WEBA Measurement & Report dashboard collects all activity data.

Read More:
WEBA Measurement & Report — Analyze your Customers in all Directions

The 5 Best Mother’s Day Campaign Ideas to Drive Customer Engagement
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Mobile website editing and publishing, marketing plan, digital channels, and campaign performance; finish all your marketing processes on WEBA. For more case studies, marketing tips, or WEBA products, stay tuned to WEBA International Blog, or visit the official website and request a demo!

