Mobile App Development in 2022: Is React Native Beneficial?

Vikrant Bhalodia
Published in
5 min readJan 13, 2022

Mobile applications have shown to be the most effective way for businesses to extend their customer base. There is never a lack of creative app ideas. Everything had worked in favor of application development firms.

Have you ever thought about what materials are used to develop all of these mobile applications that make your life so much easier? Everything, from getting out of bed in the morning to getting to work on time, is accomplished with a few finger taps on some lovely smartphone apps. These are the apps that are driving app development right now. Thousands of mobile app development frameworks work behind the scenes to give you the best user experience possible. Among them is React Native.

What exactly is React Native, and who makes use of it?

React Native is the most useful JavaScript library for native apps that run on all platforms and devices. You can use React Native to create apps for both iOS and Android. It also allows for the construction of platform-specific versions of certain components, making it possible to employ a single codebase across multiple platforms. In 2018, Facebook published this community-driven JS library.

Facebook’s React Native is an open-source, cross-platform app development framework that has swiftly become the top choice among developers. React Native makes developing mobile apps for Android and iOS much easier. React Native apps can be found in top-tier organisations such as Tesla, Airbnb, Skype and Amazon Prime. The ease of development and deployment are the primary reasons behind React Native’s popularity. Reusable components, connectivity with third-party plugins and component-based GUI design for front-end apps are all important React Native features.

Reasons for React Native’s popularity in 2022

  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: If you speak with any developer, you will learn how difficult it is to maintain programs for various operating systems. React native provides a single platform for app development, resulting in a uniform user experience. All you need is a great javascript developer who is familiar with native UI libraries, hybrid app development and APIs.
  • Quick Changes Imply Live & Hot Reloading: It is one of the primary reasons why people are interested in react native. Its live reloading capabilities assist developers when making updates to the mobile application. The developer of a React Native app can update the code in real-time and the live feature is applied while the app is loaded. Hot reloading, on the other hand, allows the program to reload the particular region where the changes were performed. To summarise, live and hot reloading makes the entire testing and app development process easier.
  • Enhanced Performance and a Simplified User Interface: The effectiveness of any platform is determined by its ability to improve performance via native controls and modules. And this is where react native app development comes out on top. Optimizing react-native to construct your web platform directly results in performance amplification and improvement. The driving cause for the craze of react native development, on the other hand, is its appealing and user-friendly UI designs. Apps created with react-native has a more responsive and fluid UI/UX.
  • Enhanced Stability and Reliability: The main advantage to create react native app is that it simplifies data binding in such a way that changes made in the parent component do not affect the child components. In a nutshell, it makes an application’s binding process simpler and more versatile, thus increasing the app’s reliability and flexibility.
  • Budget-friendly: React Native can be used to move code from one platform to another. That is, you can easily make an iOS app from an Android app. You only need to make a few changes. It will shorten development time because a single code base may be used across many platforms. The majority of the code between Android and iOS may be reused. The cost will directly drop when the development time is reduced. You will have to spend less money on app development now.
  • Reusable Components: The architecture of React is component-based. Components are little features that constitute a minor portion of the user interface. It can be a chat window, a comment feed, a dropdown menu or any number of other things. Each of these UI components lives in the same space but interacts with each other independently. React can be used to build self-contained, reusable components. To be reusable, a component must accept data via props and deliver the output via a function provided by props. Render prop is a function that tells the component what content needs to be rendered and enables you to reuse functionality in the component. A react native app development company can further help you in this.
  • Architecture that is Modular: React Native design allows you to divide functional programs into interchangeable chunks known as modules. This strategy improves the efficiency and adaptability of development. Additionally, it improves coordination between blocks for each other’s updates. You can also reuse the modules to update the web and app APIs.
  • Third-Party Inclusion: Third-party integration is simple with React Native. It can be simply integrated with the app’s functionality by integrating with a native module. This is achieved with the help of the framework. Because of the internal programming, it is feasible. Because there is no integration work to be done, you save time. These features are included in JavaScript libraries.
  • Improved User Experience: React Native may be utilised to create an appealing and perfect interface. It will also provide declarative components like a picker, button, slider, switch, and many others. If you want to develop customised components, you can do it using a variety of tools. There are numerous components for iOS and Android to make the operation even more efficient.
  • Support from the Community: Because React was created by Facebook, it is still maintained by Facebook and independent people all over the world. The React GitHub Repository has over 165k starts and is one of the most popular projects on GitHub. Reactiflux is a React Developers community with over 110k members that supports the resolution and discussion of React-related issues.

So, these are some of the benefits of react native, which is becoming increasingly popular among people all around the world.


React Native is a valuable framework that is well-known in the global developer community for expediting development, lowering overall software development costs, and leveraging well-known technologies such as JavaScript.

React Native is the greatest alternative for mobile app development because of its highly efficient feature of reusing modules and codes, as well as other important benefits such as stability, hot reloading, and a large community.



Vikrant Bhalodia

Head of HR & People Ops with 15+ yrs of multi-functional expertise across Sales & Marketing, Consulting, Web Content Mgt., Operations & HRM at @WeblineIndia