Required Reading — 2017–10–10

Prometheus and Kubernetes: A Perfect Match

This Week in Numbers: New Monitoring Methods for Kubernetes — The New Stack

Functions-as-a-Service with PiCluster 2.2 |

Required Reading — 2017–07–24

helm: The Kubernetes Package Manager

How Operable Built its ChatOps Cog Platform on Docker Images — The New Stack

pykube: Python client library for Kubernetes

Required Reading — 2017–02–21

All Day DevOps: Session Locations « All Day DevOps


Serverless — Cloud functions and the future of software architecture — Sam Kroonenburg & Peter Sbarski on Vimeo

Required Reading — 2016–09–20

GitHub — eBayClassifiedsGroup/PanteraS: PanteraS — PaaS — Platform as a Service in a box

The 18 best developer war stories and postmortems

MyRocks: A space- and write-optimized MySQL database | Engineering Blog | Facebook Code…

Required Reading — 2016–05–24· Fallible Humans

ACID versus BASE for database transactions

code quality — How can I quantify the amount of technical debt that exists in a project? — Programmers Stack Exchange

Devops Days Austin 2016

Devops Days Austin has come and gone and once again I picked up a ton at the sessions and had some great hallway (or lunch line in some cases) conversations this year. Every year I’ve had a great time and end up with a HUGE research list as a result of this conference. Unfortunately I…

Required Reading — 2016–04–21

Managing two million web servers

In the land of microservices, the network is the king(maker) — Lightspeed Venture Partners — Medium

AWS in Plain English