Sharing Secrets

Vulnerability and authenticity

Weeds & Wildflowers


© Dennett — August 2023

I came to deduce that authenticity has to do with being oneself entirely, in writing as in life. ~ Christine Morris Ph.D.

You can read Christine’s piece about authenticity here.

It was one of those posts that stayed with me for days. I thought about how I’ve opened the doors of vulnerability and authenticity this year while writing about our experiences with Ben’s kidney failure and dialysis and our financial struggles. I thought back on my writings about my hospitalization in 2021 and subsequent digestion issues, my heartbreak and depression when my daughter and grandchildren moved away, and my grief after losing five pets.

I also thought about a Weeds & Wildflowers writing prompt a few years ago that I called Guilty Pleasures. Although more lighthearted, I shared that I love sappy Christmas movies on Lifetime and Hallmark, and I can’t get enough of the HGTV show Home Town.

One of my favorite Medium writers, who is a poster child for authenticity and vulnerability, is Jack Herlocker. He’s not afraid to be romantic or goofy in all his delicious nerdiness.

One of my favorite publications on Medium is Crow’s Feet because everyone shares authentic stories about growing older, and we all know aging is a touchy subject for most of us! It takes…



Weeds & Wildflowers

I was always a writer but lived in a bookkeeper’s body before I found Medium and broke free — well, almost. Working to work less and write more.