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Design For Health

Do you ❤ health literacy? We sure do!
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It’s interactive!

2 web pages stand on a stage, as one sings, "I've got your click and drags, sliders and state changes!" and the audience remarks that the other one looks a bit static.

The internet has given us so much: Grumpy Cat, Baby Monkey, and — a recent fave — NPR’s accidental #Ramona phenomenon.

Color Me Accessible

Three doodles stand next to one another, wearing blue beanie hats. The first one says, "You mean we've been accessible this WHOLE TIME?!" The second one says, "Good ole #008290!" The third one says, "I...feel so...compliant!"

Here at We ❤︎ Health Literacy Headquarters, we always have accessibility in mind — but on this day each year we think about…

Sketch-y Ideas

A writer hands a sketch to a designer, who responds "For me?! It's like a dream come true!"

Here at We ❤︎ Health Literacy Headquarters, we’re big fans of a team approach to creating great health communication products. Each…