Go to weiDex
Blockchain Agnostic dApp еcosystem for Еxchanges
Note from the editor

Blockchain Agnostic dApp еcosystem for Еxchanges

Go to the profile of WeiDex
weiDex is a Blockchain Agnostic Dapp Ecosystem for exchanges. Our ultimate aim is to fix the broken blockchain ecosystem on the application layer.
Go to the profile of Tito Titov
Tito Titov
Geek and lifelong learner seeking new techs, ideas and innovations in general. Public speaker and blockchain enthusiast. https://twitter.com/TitoMarchev
Go to the profile of Polina Keremidchieva
Go to the profile of Krasimir Raykov
Krasimir Raykov
Blockchain Architect @weiDex
Go to the profile of Tito Titov
Tito Titov
Geek and lifelong learner seeking new techs, ideas and innovations in general. Public speaker and blockchain enthusiast. https://twitter.com/TitoMarchev
Go to the profile of Polina Keremidchieva
Go to the profile of Krasimir Raykov
Krasimir Raykov
Blockchain Architect @weiDex