I was a day late, but I’m finally under 230 pounds. Today marks my insane month of workout and diet hustling. A morning hiit cardio routine, lifting (or bodyweight work), and a low intensity cardio routine daily, plus alot of fasting and low carb, and keto. Let’s see what our results will be!

First Day Weight — 250.00 lbs

Latest Weight — 229.6

Age — 29

Video Version: https://youtu.be/QhmGyJjl-XQ

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fastnao/

Day 000: https://medium.com/weight-loss-timeline/day-000-12-11-2022-weight-loss-timeline-b215a3c2ad0d

The Blog: https://medium.com/weight-loss-timeline

Reddit: reddit.com/r/weightlosstimeline



Weight Loss Timeline

An eccentric guy who wants to help people, both physically and mentally with his stories. :]