Anil Patnaik

It’s my turn…

Anil Patnaik
What’s your story?
3 min readFeb 21, 2024


That’s me ✔👏

Well, thank you, Agata, for thinking and coming up with such a publication platform to make a newcomer feel homely. I never expected that, and then suddenly, from random chaos, I stumbled upon one author ‘Ahmed Almakaidy’, whose story I could find in your publication. And it all started rolling…

So, my story goes like this…

I come from India. Since childhood, my curiosity about life has taken me to many saccades. Quickly, I found myself intrigued by the very feeling of information overload. An inner race was going on, trying to comprehend and make sense of all that was passing by. I could see myself developing a rigorous blend of philosophical and scientific temper toward everything happening around me.

My Grandpa…

My late maternal grandfather played a pivotal role in stirring and brewing up these newly inflammable instincts, practically eliciting them from me. To me, he was the most educated and learned personality I had ever met in those days, with whom I could comfortably relate. He had an MA degree from Wisconsin University. Though in education and administration, he was a man of many tastes. As obvious, I soon found myself comforting my inner urges within the walls of the many books in his amazing library collection.

I used to write my thoughts. Eager to formalize them, I used to rush to him for quick review and comments.

Mr. K.C. Das, M.A. (Wis.), U.S.A (Grandpa)

Soon, I was going to become addicted to all this educative euphoria. As all these happened to me as a teenager, the formalizing and drafting spirit took a break. I held on to it intermittently, but not with a consistent grip.

Back to present

Now, here I am, above 40, trying to rekindle that spirit again. Time will tell how far I will get along with this wonderful medium platform, but upon one friend’s advice, I want to indulge in it.

If I am to describe myself as a non-writer, I am comfortable seeing myself first as a learner, then an introspective wanderer, and a scientific researcher. I believe in an interdisciplinary approach to life. I hold a master’s degree in computer application (MCA) from India. Currently, I am doing research in neuroscience, cognitive science, psychology, consciousness, informatics, physics, and philosophy.

Hmm…but as a writer, I feel somewhat blank at this point; whatever would pour out of my inner self, I believe, would be due to my readers and shall resonate with them deeply and meaningfully. I always think of them first before typing anything down. Indeed, their comments and engagement would appropriately shape me as a writer. Aptly, ‘medium’ is providing this platform for communicating with my few current readers and, hopefully, those who are yet to join.

Why am I here?

My passion has always been to explain complex scientific things in simpler ways. While adding my perspective to it for a positive and healthy lifestyle, I aim to reach out to a broader audience. Hope this works well here.

As of now, I am not setting any frequency to my posts. But I would always be on the lookout for something interesting in the field of science that I could happily share with my readers after properly munching and packaging them well.

Having said this, looking forward to a great dynamic exchange.

…and yes, sorry, Agata, yerba matte is still a unicorn to me.

Finally, thank you all who have come this far reading my story. Have a great, uplifting day!!👍😍



Anil Patnaik
What’s your story?

Learner | Introspective writer | Researcher. Holds a Master's degree in Computer Application (MCA).