Don’t Tell A Soul (Part 5)

Welcome to Write
Published in
9 min readJun 25, 2024


Photo by Umesh Soni on Unsplash

This is a long read so please bare with me, this read could take 10 minutes to process everything.

Part 5 takes place four months before the events in Part 1. Please read the last two paragraphs of Part 4 to refresh your memory before reading this part. For those of you who are brand new to this series, I recommend looking at my pinned stories on my profile starting from part 1 and reading your way to part 4.

I am tagging Thecreatorsangel. If you would like to be tagged when I upload part 6, please let me know in the comments!

Chapter5 — Gina’s version

I dropped the phone on the king-size bed and felt so numb.
How could I be so dumb?
Not only that, Kenny and I didn’t have plans to go to the movies.
This shit is killing me.

Looked like he was lying to me and Brittany.
A tear started running down my face as I headed to the half bathroom in the basement.
It didn’t help that I was on my period.
I closed the door, locked it, and played music from my Android so Kenny wouldn’t hear me crying after his shower.
The half bathroom in the basement was where I wrote poetry for hours while my thoughts could be collected and gathered.
This was the second time my heart felt sour.
So the whole time when Kenny told me he was working late, providing for us and our future kids, he was providing his dick to this Brittany…



Welcome to Write

Been writing poetry since 2014. I lost count but I published over 1000 poems and now I am ready to share them with the world.