5 Tips to Achieve a Healthy Weight

Dian Term
Wellness Blog
Published in
3 min readMar 25, 2020

A healthy weight means having a body weight that is appropriate to your height. A real body transformation cannot be achieved overnight. It takes time and dedication. Learn how to make a real body transformation below.

5 Tips to Achieve a Healthy Weight

  1. Create a Diet Plan

Food plays an important role in our weight. But the problem is not the food, it is your eating habit. Overeating is the common cause of obesity, while undereating results in malnutrition. Probably, having a diet plan will give you control over your eating habits. You can either restrict your diet or get enough calories.

While it is recommended to consult a dietician or nutritionist to create an effective diet plan for you, it doesn’t mean that you cannot create your own diet plan. Every piece of information is already available on the Internet. You can get tips by watching health and wellness vlogs on Youtube, for example, “simple meal plan to lose weight.”

You need to learn your BMI to know how much weight you have to lose or gain. There are free BMI calculators on the web. From there, you’ll have an idea about your daily calorie intake and start creating your diet plan.

2. Exercise/Work Out

Just because you are healthy doesn’t mean you can be a couch potato because being inactive is linked to obesity and other health problems, while exercising strengthens the immune system, enhances endurance, and helps maintain a healthy weight.

If you’re busy, try exercising for at least 15–20 minutes. Stop making excuses to yourself as to why you cannot exercise because if you really are determined in achieving a healthy weight you will make time for exercise.

Running or jogging for half an hour, you can burn calories and make you hungry at the same time, so it is recommended for those who are trying to lose or gain weight. Start with short exercises until they become part of your routine.

3. Balance Your Metabolism

Metabolism is how fast your body converts food into energy and is often blamed for gaining weight or being underweight. The slower the metabolism, the fewer calories you burn, causing you to gain weight. The faster the metabolism, the more calories you burn, requiring more nutrients to develop muscles.

To achieve a healthy weight, you need to tell your metabolism to be balanced. One sure way to do that is to drink water first thing in the morning. It will immediately improve your metabolic rate, allowing protein and carbohydrates to circulate smoothly throughout the body.

Dietary food supplements may also help in balancing the metabolism as they can contain essential vitamins, minerals, and enzymes and sometimes those are the substances the body needs to reset your metabolism.

4. Don’t Skip Breakfast

Yes, breakfast plays an important role in achieving a healthy weight. Skipping breakfast will have different effects depending on the individual. If you skip breakfast you might feel hungrier later in the day causing you to overeat. While another study at Monash University in Melbourne shows that skipping breakfast is linked to weight loss, that those who skip breakfast weight less than those who don’t.

The bottom line is to eat breakfast every morning. Some of us struggle to wake up in the morning and some work at night. But probably, you can set a specific time in the morning when you will have breakfast.

5. Self-Discipline

Self-discipline is probably one important factor in achieving your goal. Tips and concrete plans will mean nothing without consistency. Just because you see small progress, doesn’t mean you can stop, because before you know it you’re already back to zero.

Instead, continue with what you have started. Stick with your plan. Keep in mind that every cheat takes you one step away from achieving your goal. Self-discipline is difficult but through constant practice you can build it.

Final Thought

That completes our tips for achieving a healthy weight! To wrap it up you need to:

  • Create a Diet Plan
  • Exercise/Work Out
  • Balance Your Metabolism
  • Don’t Skip Breakfast
  • Self-Discipline

Reaching a healthy weight is attainable, but it never comes easy. There’s no supplement that can transform your body overnight. Just like any other goal, it takes hard work and determination.



Dian Term
Wellness Blog

Tips to stay healthy and beautiful inside out.