How to do KYC?

Aukse Sia


(Updated on January 28th: the token sale terms related information)

Everything you need to know to participate in the WePower ICO.

Dear Friends!

With your help we have accomplished amazing things:

Now it is time to start preparation for the main token sale, which will be held on February 1st, 2018!

Please find the updated information on the token sale here.

Main token sale will be held on February 1st, 2018!

WePower focuses on the safety of your contributions. Therefore, we require everyone to go through the identification procedure (KYC) and whitelist their crypto wallet addresses. Moreover, to make contribution process easier on the ICO day, we kindly ask you to review and confirm WePower token sale terms & conditions while you are going through identification process. Don’t forget to download our terms & conditions and safe their copy.

Please note that:

  • Only people who registered for the token sale, whitelisted their wallet addresses and went through our identification process will be allowed to participate in the token sale and buy WePower tokens.
  • Registration and whitelisting of wallet addresses is possible only until the 1st of February 2018. Don’t miss your chance to participate in our token sale.
  • You can identify yourself through our web page using your computer or smartphone that have a camera.
  • Identification procedure will take few minutes and require you to upload your facial and ID/passport pictures. WePower will process all your personal data in accordance with applicable requirements in the European Union.
  • The identification tool supports:

Browsers on PCs:

  • Firefox from version 29
  • Chrome from version 49
  • Opera from version 36

Phones & mobile devices:

  • IOS Safari from version 6.1
  • Android browser from version 3
  • Blackberry browser from version 10
  • Opera mobile from version 37
  • Samsung internet from version 4
  • Baidu browser from version 7.12

Registration and whitelisting of wallet addresses is possible only until the 1st of February 2018. Don’t miss your chance to participate in our token sale.


  • Step 1. Register for ICO on our webpage:
  • Step 2. Read our entire token sale terms & conditions. If you have any questions, please post them on our Telegram or send e-mail to
  • Step 3. If you don’t have any objections regarding the token sale terms & conditions, confirm and download a copy. If not, please navigate from our webpage or consult with your legal and tax advisors.
  • Step 4. If you are from United States, please mark the box:

Please note that due to legal uncertainty, citizens/residents of United States of America are not allowed to participate in the token sale.

  • Step 5. Enter your name, surname, e-mail address, ETH wallet address and intended investment amount. If you do not have an ETH wallet address and want to create one, please read our prepared instructions here.
  • Step 6. When you have filled all fields, click “Continue registration” and start identification procedure.
  • Step 7. First you will be asked to take your facial picture, then pictures of your identification document:

A) Identification card: picture of the document’s front and back.

B) Passport: picture of the cover and the page with your picture.

  • Step 8. When you upload pictures of your identity document, please click “Submit”. After everything is submitted, you will get confirmation e-mail about successful registration. If you fail to register, please try again.
  • Step 9. Join our community on Telegram and get latest news about WePower and its development!

Possible reasons for identification failure:

1.Video or photo quality:

  • Picture does not capture all document.
  • Bad lighting — too dark or too bright, shadowed picture.
  • Document information is hidden with fingers/hand.

2. Face identification obstacles:

  • Very old document.
  • Not natural face changes: glasses, beard, moustache, makeup, earrings, tattoo, scars.
  • Face is hidden with hair, clothes, hat.
  • More than one person is the picture.
  • Identification process interruption — technical problems with internet, software.

3. Document does not meet requirements:

  • Wrong document.
  • Document is not valid.

If you face any issues regarding KYC procedure, please, contact us in our Telegram group or via e-mail

Join us on Telegram, become a part of an amazing community!

