How to Create a Private Pool on WeStart’s SmartPool

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4 min readAug 29, 2018

WeStart’s SmartPool is our completely free platform that enables pool administrators and contributors to participate in token generation events with full KYC/AML compliance.

SmartPool is the easiest and most secure way to host private pools and syndicates while our unique relationships and partnerships with projects allows us to deliver much higher bonuses to administrators and contributors.

Are you ready to create your own private pool on WeStart?

How to Create A Private Pool on SmartPool

If you already have a trustless or non-trustless private pool, moving to WeStart has many added benefits over traditional syndicate operations including increase bonuses and more security.

The first step in creating your own syndicate is to complete our full KYC/AML verification. You can either do this on WeStart’s platform or directly on SmartPool.

To complete Tier 2 and 3 verification you will need:

  • Identity document (passport, government issued ID)
  • Selfie holding identification and custom WeStart sign
  • Phone number that you can receive texts on
  • Address
  • Proof of Residence (utility bill or bank statement) less than two months old

Completing Tier 2 and Tier 3 KYC/AML verification may take up to 7 days to process so we suggest completing this process as early as possible so when you’re ready to create a pool, you can immediately set up your pool.

You can begin setting up your private pool while your verification is processing — although you won’t be able to join the pool until you’ve been approved. To create a pool log into your SmartPool dashboard and click on the “My Pools” tab at the top and select the “Create new pool” button.

Creating a pool simply requires a name for the pool, uploading a logo (optional but recommended), and deciding if you want to password protect your pool.

You can also sign up to join WeStart’s SmartPool telegram to take advantage of exclusive deals.

Click “Create” and you’ll then be redirected to the “My Pools” tab where you’ll then need to add a project to your pool. A project is the specific pre-sale or ICO you’re going to pool funds for.

Creating a new project on WeStart takes less than five minutes and allows you to customize settings including:

  • Total pool allocation
  • Minimum & maximum contributions
  • Pool fee %
  • Deadlines
  • Citizenship restrictions

After you’ve created a new project, you’ll be directed to add supplemental information to your project including reviews, bonus amount, social links, and uploaded files like white papers and one pagers.

Once supplemental information has been added, the pool owner needs to set the bonus allocation, add social media links for the project, and upload any files including whitepapers and one pagers.

There is one last step to pushing your pool and all of the projects you’ve set up live.

Click into your pool’s dashboard and select the “Go to Manager” button.

Once your in your pool’s manager click on “Settings” and select the “Allow new members to join the pool” button so it turns green.

Your pool and any projects you’ve created are now live and you can begin inviting people to join!

You can invite people two ways. The first is through the admin dashboard that you’re already in by clicking “Dashboard” and select the link.

Or, anyone can share the pool through the main pool dashboard by clicking the “Share Link” button. Please note, unless you have a password enabled on your pool every member will be able to spread the word about your pool!

SmartPool allows pool owners to run multiple projects within the same syndicate, making it easy to keep track of every pool while keeping all contributors safe.

Create a Private Pool on SmartPool Today

WeStart’s SmartPool was developed to ensure compliance for all participants, and as regulation continues to come to pre-sales and ICOs. Creating a pool on WeStart puts you ahead of regulations and better ensures pool owner’s and contributor’s tokens coming through.

Have questions about setting up your own private pool on WeStart? Email us at



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Safe, Simple, Secure KYC for Token Generation Events