Introducing Cosmos API Service by Wetez

Wetez Studio
Published in
4 min readJul 26, 2022

We are seeing that the Cosmos ecosystem is growing and flourishing although it is under impact of the event of Terra-UST, while dYdX’s plan of being a Cosmos appchain brings attention back. The design model of Hub-zone separately makes the Cosmos-SDK based project independent, while connecting each other with IBC(interchain communication, a model that enables the transaction among chains), its uniqueness gets the appchain structure widely adopted.

We are always talking about the scalability of the layer1s, because the importance of TPS impacts the possibility of being integrated. A Dapp and an appchain are different solutions in crypto, while the appchain is a trend, you can see many lives out there, like Avalanche Subnet, Polygon Edge/Supernet, Binance Sidechains, etc. Definitely the Hub of Cosmos is the pioneer, there are more than 80 projects built with Comos-SDK, and over $60B USD of digital assets under management, recorded by the Cosmos Website.

Known projects like Okchain, Cronos, Thorchain, Kava, Osmosis, etc, most of the built infrastructures are now migrating the use cases of Ethereum with new narratives of being an appchain. Compared to dapps, appchains are scalable. Every project can be a chain while benefiting from the interchain communication built in the Cosmos-SDK, which means the connection is live when it is launched.

Data of appchains will grow gradually. Each blockchain has its own ecosystem, stablecoin, lending protocol, synthetic protocol, yield farming protocol, etc, which means that dapps on appchain will generate more and more data daily. And the protocol developers need to interact with the growing blockchain data in an efficient way, while the public endpoint provided by the core team is mainly to cover a small volume of request. That’s why Wetez thinks that the appchain data infrastructure is really needed. Similar to what Infura provides in Ethereum, Wetez aims to provide an API service to the whole Cosmos ecosystem.

If you look back at the introduction of Wetez APIs, you can read our goal of being an API provider. As a professional staking service provider since 2018, Wetez team has accumulated rich experience on the validating space. Maintaining more than 40 blockchain nodes means the data stored in the client can be publicly reused, we dived deep into the API infrastructure and thought we could open our data request volume to the community.

Enter into the Cosmos means a new milestone to Wetez APIs, and it is also meaningful to the Cosmos eco, described in the introducing article, the advantages of the Wetez APIs includes

  1. Wetez has extensive experience of validating in PoS, providing data to oracle, running services to Web3 infrastructures, etc, with a proven track record of 0 slash and 99% uptime, which means that timely, accurate and stable data can be obtained from the Wetez APIs.
  2. Wetez releases the API requests to the public only when the test is efficient enough to fulfill the demand of Wetez own services, which means it is robust and stable, even with the free plan.
  3. Wetez is serving more and more blockchain projects at a steady growth rate, so developers will be able to access the data interfaces of most PoS projects through the Wetez APIs in the future.

Wetez will gradually provide the API services to the projects on Cosmos, Starting from Cosmos, then we will move to the other projects, like Evmos, Okchain, Juno, Kava, Gravity bridge, etc. Free plans will be able to fulfill the demand of a dapp; premium plans are under construction, it depends on the request volume in a timely manner.

Wetez APIs service is looking forward to collaborating with Cosmos eco projects that are looking for a third party provided endpoints. And developers with feedback or custom needs, feel free to contact

Definitely we will see more APIs live in Wetez infrastructure.

About Wetez

@Wetez is a professional staking service provider. We are running validator nodes for over 30 projects:


Matic | Tezos | Cosmos | Kava | Polkadot | Kusama | Oasis | Akcash | Chainlink | Solana | Chainx | Irisnet | PlatOn | Wanchain | IoTeX | Meter | Mina | Gravity Bridge | Evmos | Juno | Kava | Metis | OmniFlix | Polkadex | Edgeware | nftmart | etc.


Game | Archway | Pylons | nym | Humanode | Moonbeam | Astar | Chainflip | connext | etc.

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Wetez Studio

Professional Web3 Service Provider since 2018