Peace is the change we need to see.

Austen Comstock
What are the steps?
2 min readMar 11, 2021

There are many factors that go into ending poverty. An important factor is ending wars. Ending wars will contribute to the elimination of poverty. In my classmate Matt Malles blog titled “Introduction to Peace and Poverty”, he explains what he thinks the first step is too in eliminating poverty. Matt gives a list of solutions that he thinks are achievable once peace is achieved.

In this blog post, Matt argues that the first step to ending poverty is ending wars and returning to a period of peace. For example, Matt writes, “Without peace, we cannot begin to explore other potential solutions such as increasing education, increasing trade, and improving infrastructure” (2021). In other words, without peace we can’t achieve any other solutions. In the context of poverty in the world, I believe that ending wars is crucial to ending poverty. Once wars are over, it will provide peace for everyone.

Matt also does a great job of a giving examples of what the world would look like with poverty decreasing. For example, Matt Writes, “when people have more money they are better able to buy food for themselves and their families while running more effective farms resulting in less world hunger. With reduced poverty, there would also be better access to clean water and improved infrastructure, resulting in better hospitals, schools, and other public services. Decreasing poverty is even essential in helping solve climate change as wealthier countries have better and safer technology for the environment” (2021). In other words, poverty is holding a lot of people back from thriving in their lives. Poverty is also hindering the improvement of schools, infrastructure, climate change, and technology. Once poverty is ended, we will be able to achieve these improvements.

At the end of the blog, Matt talks about everybody benefitting from ending poverty. For example, Matt writes, “With our world so connected through social media, everyone can make a difference and spread awareness on topics they find important. Oftentimes for policy to be made at the government level, it takes domestic pressure from citizens on the issues they care about the most” (2021). In other words, everyone can play a part in ending poverty. I agree that by using social media to spread awareness, it will influence government officials to listen and learn more.

Poverty is an awful thing that many people have to live through. By ending poverty, it will change a lot of peoples lives for the better. Every step counts, and it is up to us to make the change happen.

Work Cited:

Malles, M. (2021, March 1). Introduction to Peace and Poverty. Medium.



Austen Comstock
What are the steps?
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Hello, my name is Austen Comstock. I am a student at University at Buffalo. I am researching the topic of what are the steps to eliminating poverty