The US is no Longer a Democracy CC0 Photo The Street

Who Will Control Bitcoin? -The Global Pathocracy

Rule by Psychopaths

Davido Davido
6 min readMay 31, 2021


“The primary contribution of government to this world is to elicit, entrench, enable, and finally to codify the most destructive aspects of the human personality.” Jeffrey Tucker, American writer,, (May 30, 2016)

We the people, and our elected representatives, have lost control of our government. The persons who direct national policy share personality traits that are commonly viewed as personality disorders, or pathology. A society in which persons with a pathology control Government, is a Pathocracy. Pathocrats will use their control of Governments to Control Bitcoin for their benefit

Rule by small groups of very wealthy people leads inexorably to rule by the most heartless and vicious among them -psychopaths[1]. Personality disorders like psychopathy are different from mental disorders (psychosis) or mood disorders (depression, bipolar). The major characteristics of psychopaths are a pathological need for control over other people, coupled with an absence of conscience.

“What point is all this power and money if I can’t have someone killed?” Psychopath’s Motto

Psychopaths appear outwardly normal. However, psychopathy can be highly destructive. People with psychopathic personality disorder, can hide in plain…



Davido Davido
What Government Will Do With Bitcoin

Voluntarist, Agorist, not Pacifist. Don’t Tread on Anyone. Rely on Hard Assets, Hard Principles, and Hard People