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What the Filter Kaapi
Posts by founders of Chennai’s finest startups
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Posts by founders of Chennai’s finest startups

Go to the profile of Vivek Durai
Vivek Durai
Founder of paper.vc. Left-handed, geek...love Bangalore mornings, Delhi winters and green grass.
Go to the profile of Srikrishnan Ganesan
Srikrishnan Ganesan
Co-Founder, Rocketlane.com. Previously built Freshchat (originally Konotor, acquired by Freshworks) . Love everything technology, products, start-ups.
Go to the profile of Sharan Reddy
Sharan Reddy
http://t.co/r8emW84Os0 - services for the film industry. Film Festival junkie. Skate/snowboarder. Web/film geek.
Go to the profile of Krish | ChargeBee
Krish | ChargeBee
Entrepreneur; another sleep deprived idiot; cofounder of Chargebee Subscription Billing and Invoicing.