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Whatever Source Derived
Thoughts on tax and the law
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Tax-Exempt Entities Under a Wealth Tax

Wealth taxes are popular in some circles these days. Senator Elizabeth Warren has a new wealth tax proposal out, as do a couple of think tanks. I thought it would be interesting to work through how a wealth tax should approach entities that historically have…

Who’s Afraid of Donor Advised Funds?

Four questions — and some answers—about the high-tech “tax hack” that isn’t

Co-blogger Brian Galle and University of Southern California professor Ed Kleinbard have both posted thoughtful…

Donor Advised Funds are Swell. We Should Still Regulate Them Lots.

This weekend the NY Times ran a long story on donor advised funds (“DAFs,” which most people pronounce like the first syllable of Daffy Duck). Since the reporting relied in great measure on quotes and background…

A Qualified Defense of Donor Advised Funds

The New York Times has published a very negative article on donor advised funds (DAFs) in today’s business section. The headline characterizes DAFs as a “philanthropic loophole” that “tech billionaires” use to “hack their taxes.” The article goes on to…

What Does Trump Mean When He Says He Will Take No Salary?

Despite Donald Trump’s campaign promise that he “won’t take even one dollar” of salary as President, the White House now says that the President is receiving his monthly paychecks and that he will donate his salary to charity at…

The Property Tax Exemption for Charities is an Unfunded Mandate

News organizations are reporting that the Massachusetts legislature is considering a bill this week to tax property owned by the state’s many wealthy charities, including Harvard and MIT. A more accurate description…