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Whatever Source Derived
Thoughts on tax and the law
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Tax-Exempt Entities Under a Wealth Tax

Wealth taxes are popular in some circles these days. Senator Elizabeth Warren has a new wealth tax proposal out, as do a couple of think tanks. I thought it would be interesting to work through how a wealth tax should approach entities that historically have…

Donor Advised Funds are Swell. We Should Still Regulate Them Lots.

This weekend the NY Times ran a long story on donor advised funds (“DAFs,” which most people pronounce like the first syllable of Daffy Duck). Since the reporting relied in great measure on quotes and background…

The Johnson Amendment Lives Another Day

President Trump says he wants to “totally destroy” the Johnson Amendment, the provision that denies § 501(c)(3) status to organizations that intervene in campaigns for public office. His comments come one day after two House Republicans introduced the Free…

Till Death Do Us Part? Family Cemeteries and Section 501(c)(13)

The New York Times has a fascinating story this morning about family cemeteries, focusing on the descendants of Standard Oil Trust co-founder Charles Pratt. According to the Times: