200 Days later:

DK Wright
What’s Good?
Published in
3 min readJul 10, 2015

A Social Experiment pt. 1

In late 2014 I had an idea to run a social experiment with 15 new acquaintances. Now, 7 months deep into a 15 month project, I have learned so much about myself personally, professionally and how the world works around me. That was the point but I didn’t anticipate being touched by the lives of these individuals, truly.

Spoiler Alert: Nothing but good news ahead.

So here we go… and I’m going backwards with this list.


I have never met a dude with such charisma and swag before that wasn’t from NYC. John Wesley Sargent is cut from a different material and I am glad to have him apart of the project.

Desired Results: No Expectations.

Actual Results: One day I volunteered to judge a talent show but double booked the first 30 minutes. I asked him to come through and take my place and without hesitation or even knowing about his past as a musical artist, he showed up on time. It’s a risk to send someone into a space on your behalf but I’m glad I did. I learned his musical knowledge is amazing and as a fellow performing artist he was more than happy to share pointers. I gained a running buddy and an awesome creative in the process.

Joey and Laura

I realize that the relationship I had formed with John was really driven by the conviction I had after my experiences with Laura and Joey. As I entered the spring after a difficult winter, Joey and Laura were apart of the first 5 people of Fresh 15. That said, it was a time of finding myself, what I wanted from their time and what they wanted from me. Joey and Laura were alike in many ways; both hard working, racially ambiguous, pioneers of their field from their respective communities and both in serious relationships. Very pressed for time, I realized from both of them that TIME is too precious to not be very clear.

On the flip-side, the differences were like day and night. Joey wanted very much to be involved as much as possible but not having any time. Laura, very particular with her time and almost felt like I had nothing to offer her. In all honesty, we never want to feel used by someone but we don’t find joy in being useless. Reflecting on this made my time with Joey more about connecting on more intimate stuff than work. While time with Laura didn’t really leave the arena of work at all. Can I blame distance? Not sure, Laura lives nearby and Joey all the way in Jersey. All in all I appreciate them both as friends and hope as the year goes on we can recognize the walls between us that prevents us from being vulnerable enough to take risks or honest enough with ourselves to voice our wants in real time.

Desired Results: Skill shares and build personal relationship.

Actual Results: Skill shares, the need to categorize engagements and common understanding of the struggles of being a 1st generation American.

The conversations with these 2 has made me realize 2 things:

1) You never really know what people are sacrificing to be in your life

2) Never let someone else’s perception of you change your approach.


“ Fresh 15” is Social Experiment by DK Wright of J.E.T Life. This year long social experiment focuses on emotional intelligence, race/gender politics, professional development, socio-emotional networking and improving personal habits. Full recap won’t be available until a later date.

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Interested? If you want to inquire about participating in the social experiment project or have any questions, the email is contact.fresh15@gmail.com. I would love to hear your thoughts.



DK Wright
What’s Good?

1st Gen NYer. Retired Performing Artist turned Creative Director. Fitness, Travel, and Adventure junkie. I Cook, Skate & Mentor too. Welcome! www.DKwroteit.com