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What’s Next
We can’t predict the future, but we can create it. These are the perspectives from the makers of tomorrow.
Note from the editor

We can’t predict the future, but we can create it. These are the perspectives from the makers of tomorrow.

Go to the profile of GE
GE is the world’s Digital Industrial Company; transforming industry with the GE Store’s shared tech & software solutions, allowing machines to connect & learn.
Go to the profile of Paul Ford
Paul Ford
Co-founder, Aboard.com.
Go to the profile of Finn Hartvig Nielsen
Finn Hartvig Nielsen
Saving the world one tweet at a time. Teacher of Chinese, social science, business economics @ VUC Odense. Socialliberal (Radikale). Critical with hint of humor
Go to the profile of Stephen Robles
Stephen Robles
I teach people about technology 📺 Tech video creator at youtube.com/beardedteacher 🎧 Podcast host at AppleInsider and Movies on the Side
Go to the profile of Varun Gupta
Varun Gupta
Algorithm Geek, Hacker, Amateur Economist, Bicyclist, Aspiring Photographer, Traveller, Cricket fan & Engaging!
Go to the profile of Ilya Kuperman
Ilya Kuperman
Drummer of Drums. Dreamer of Dreams.
Go to the profile of Marco Annunziata
Marco Annunziata
Economics & innovation at www.AnnunziataDesai.com; Co-host, M4Edge Tech podcast; Former Chief Economist & head of business innovation strategy at GE.