Go to When Can I Have it?
When Can I Have it?
We deliver thoughtful, entertaining pieces that cover timely and important topics in the world of small-to-medium tech companies. We favor thought provoking narrative over drowning in statistics, realism over idealism, and levity over self-seriousness.
Note from the editor

We deliver thoughtful, entertaining pieces that cover timely and important topics in the world of small-to-medium tech companies. We favor thought provoking narrative over drowning in statistics, realism over idealism, and levity over self-seriousness.

Go to the profile of Ryan Andrews
Ryan Andrews
Product Manager at Square Root | Austin, TX | Agile, Data, DevOps, and Hopefully a little fun
Go to the profile of Herschel Kulkarni
Herschel Kulkarni
Product leader at Square Root. Music lover. Festival goer. Ex-engineer.
Go to the profile of Rachel Wright
Rachel Wright
Opinionated. Sober. Curious. Obsessed with personality tests, sunshine, and rainbows. Probably barefoot right now.