Where My Poems Go
A new publication
April was National Poetry Month and I loved being a part of the shower of poetry that rained down upon Medium. If you participated in this annual poet-palooza, thank you! I enjoyed diving in and savoring poetry throughout the month. So much so, in fact, that I was inspired to create a publication of my own.
Introducing…Where My Poems Go, a new publication featuring poetry and prose. I’ll be posting new work there on a regular basis, but I’ll continue to submit to my favorite publications: LitUp, Scribe, and Literally Literary. These are wonderful publications run by wonderful people — check them out if you haven’t already.
And last, but definitely not least, thank you to everyone who follows and supports my work!
If you’re unfamiliar with the poem that inspired the title of my publication, here it is, for your reading pleasure.
“Where My Books Go”
All the words that I utter,
And all the words that I write,
Must spread out their wings untiring,
And never rest in their flight,
Till they come where your sad, sad heart is,
And sing to you in the night,
Beyond where the waters are moving,
Storm-darken’d or starry bright.— William Butler Yeats