while(self++) { #100 } // break;

Simon Ayzman
Published in
2 min readFeb 1, 2017

In programming, when your code is running in a loop and you want to exit it, you use a break statement. Fifty posts ago, I considered putting a break into the while(self++) loop. At that point, I decided that I wasn’t yet ready to end it. I felt that I had more to say. But today, the day of the 100th post of this experiment, I’ve decided to cease this daily writing series. I am making this decision at a time of (personal) normalcy. I am not making it because of high stress or a huge workload. Moreover, the notion that ending on a round number is somehow fitting is not very convincing, but I’ve done it anyway.

The reason is simple. Quality. My friend, Jenna Matecki, runs an awesome weekly podcast called Notes On Doing. We met up one day, and she relayed to me that (after a year!) her podcast would no longer come out on a weekly basis. She was concerned that the need for consistency of schedule would undermine the quality; now, she posts whenever she feels she’s ready to. Her thoughts resonated deeply with me, because as the writer of a daily series, I struggled with this, too. I am deeply concerned about the quality of my writing. The number of posts I’ve started writing after 11:30pm and posted at 11:59pm are staggering. Too many to make me feel comfortable about the content. On the one hand, it’s impressive if I write a good piece under time pressure. On the other hand, this rarely happens.

I started while(self++) with a specific goal. To discipline myself as a writer with topics of self improvement through reflection. Ceasing this series will not put an end to that overarching goal. I still feel that I have more to say, and undoubtedly, those words will come out one day (with high quality as a priority). But not in the context of this daily experiment. Ultimately, I have succeeded in my goal for discipline. I have found enough willpower to write a single post every day for the past 100 days— however good or bad — and of that I am proud. I’ve put words to the many thoughts that have existed only in my head. I’ve given them another medium (ha!) to breathe through this series.

This particular loop of self-improvement has stopped, yes. But really, that just means that I’m on to the next loop! If you enjoyed my daily ramblings, keep your eyes open for my writing in the future. Drop a line with thoughts, comments, and/or thanks. It’s always nice to hear! I appreciate every single one of you who takes the time to read my writing.



Simon Ayzman

Software Engineer @ Google | Ex-Spotify, Etsy, Bloomberg, & Foursquare | MS in CS & MBA @ UChicago | Valedictorian & Former CS Adjunct Lecturer @ Hunter College