Getting to Know the THEN, the THIS, and the THAT of Whitelist0x.

Published in
6 min readSep 15, 2018

Whitelist0x is just what it is or sounds like or appears to mean … ‘a Whitelisting Firm’. Ok, cool! Now what? What does Whitelist0x whitelist?

Read on …


Whitelist0x was previously launched as a Public Relations Firm where Integrated Marketing and Investor Relations were major focus.

Launched Public Relations Solutions.

Whitelist0x assists security token issuers in a variety of ways, from defining public relations strategies to fine-tuning messaging frameworks. But, at the end of the day, it is best known for securing media coverage for security token issuers — in print, on the radio, on TV, and on myriad online outlets. The company believes paid media isn’t part of a public relations firm’s service, and, therefore, paid media shouldn’t be part of the Paid, Earned, Shared, and Owned [ PESO ] model.

Launched Integrated Marketing Solutions.

Whitelist0x leverages strategies aimed at unifying different marketing methods such as marketing automation, sales automation, and support automation tools. Its objective is to complement and reinforce the market impact of each method, and to employ the market data generated by these efforts in security token offering, product development, pricing, distribution, customer service, and much more.

Launched Investor Relations Solutions.

The Whitelist0x Investor Relations Solutions was initially launched with a focus on financial, cryptocurrency, and investment distribution list. This provides simultaneous distribution of news releases to news media and financial markets to maximize brand exposure, improve stakeholder engagement, gain visibility within investment communities, and meet financial disclosure/compliance requirements. The one-stop service offers efficient processes and timely turnaround.


Whitelist0x recently launched a Security Token ‘Issuer Portal’ Platform to help small businesses raise funds by issuing security tokens and private companies go public by raising capital via the security token mechanism in a compliant way that actually works with securities laws from various jurisdictions.

Launched Security Token ‘Issuer Portal’ Platform.

The Whitelist0x Issuer Portal will not only allow security token issuers to create, issue, and launch security tokens, the Portal will also allow them to utilize the Company’s public relations, integrated marketing, and investor relations solutions for the betterment of their offerings. This is where Whitelist0x is a better choice for issuers. Moreover, what other security token platforms don’t do that Whitelist0x does is helping issuing companies draft various disclosure documents, filing with securities regulators, creating investor leads, and organizing unlimited virtual events.

Added Disclosure Documents Solutions.

Whitelist0x partners and works with securities attorneys from various jurisdictions such as the United States and Germany to help security token issuers with their disclosure documentation such as the Offering Memorandum, Subscription Agreement, Investor Verification Letter, LLC Operating Agreement, Attorney Opinion Letter, Offering Prospectus, and so on.

Added Regulatory Filings Solutions.

Many statutes require businesses, other organizations, and individuals to file certain forms and produce documents as a prerequisite for certain acts. The Securities Act, for example, requires registration of many types of public and private offers to sell or buy securities. Whitelist0x helps security token issuers with a number of filings with securities regulators such as the SEC in the U.S. and other securities regulators from various jurisdictions.

Added Investor Leads Solutions.

Whether an issuer is looking forward to reaching young adults that are just starting to invest or seniors who have been investing in financial securities for years, they can trust the Whitelist0x Investor Database to show them the right path to increase investment contributions for their security token offering.

Added Virtual Events Solutions.

A virtual event is here to stay. It is an ideal way for issuing companies to improve their offerings notoriety on predefined geographical locations without having to displace the participants for their conferences, demonstrations, roadshows, shareholders meetings, or even workshops and more.


The Whitelist0x Issuer Portal allows real world objects to be tokenized using the Whitelist0x [ to be announced soon ] Protocol, a cryptographic standard for security tokens, and one of the first of its kind. Tokenized objects become “assets” that can be easily managed, governed and traded.

What Does Whitelist0x Whitelist?

Starting off from what exactly the Term means. Whitelist is defined as “a list of people or things considered to be acceptable or trustworthy” — Google. Whitelist helps small businesses and private companies ‘in this case … issuers’ to whitelist investors and customers prior and post to their security token offering respectively. A business can easily whitelist and onboard investors using the Whitelist0x integrated marketing solutions that come with superb eMail and SMS marketing tools.

How About the Whitelist0x Token?

There’s never a token, token sale, or external funding. Whitelist0x is a self-funded Firm that is currently the first among other security token platforms without any token sale or whatsoever. However, there might be an investment round in the future and such announcement will be made available only to those who are concerned the most.

What is Tokenization?

Tokenization isn’t new, it’s just the process of converting existing assets into digital or tokenized assets. Existing assets in this case are financial securities such as bonds, debentures, notes, options, shares ‘stocks’), and warrants. Currently, the most common use case is shares. When such tradable financial securities a.k.a. shares are issued on the blockchain, it becomes tokenized shares and the process is called tokenization.

What Types of Assets Can Whitelist0x Tokenize?

Objects or “assets” such as buildings, farms, businesses, hedge funds, and development projects can be tokenized, meaning that their ownership can be split into any number of pieces called tokens. Tokens that represent an investment in an asset are called “security tokens”. In addition, assets such as football teams, concerts, highways, schools and banks can be purchased, tokenized and governed by groups of hundreds or thousands of token holders from all over the world. Investors can pool funds and then, by vote, decide on the assets they would like to invest in or purchase.

What Is the Whitelist0x Protocol?

The name of the Whitelist0x Protocol will be announced at an appropriate time. The Protocol will define the ability to build applications that will utilize the properties of the tokenized assets. Various investment platforms, asset management firms, hedge funds, crypto exchanges, family offices, venture capital, etc. are some of the use cases of applications that can be built using the Whitelist0x Protocol.

What Are Whitelist0x Protocol Security tokens?

The Whitelist0x Protocol tokens will …

– represent ownership of a part of an issuing company,
– allow shareholders to manage their tokens through voting,
– secure a right to any revenue streams from the asset, and
– become tradable in a regulatory compliant manner.

Who Can Issue Security Tokens via Whitelist0x?

Small businesses from ecommerce store, brick and mortar, online marketplace to private companies in any sector or industry will be able to issue security tokens or launch security token offering.

Who Can Invest in Security Tokens via Whitelist0x?

Investors from all the walks of life are welcomed to buy any security tokens or participate in a security token offering via Whitelist0x. However, certain securities regulations or restrictions may apply depending on the jurisdictions an issuing company will be willing to target or sell to.

How Is Security Token Offering Different From Security tokens?

Same question to ‘How is IPO different from shares’. While security token offering is a fundraising mechanism, the result of every offering are security tokens. Also, not all issuers might want to launch an offering. An issuer might decide to issue security tokens only to accredited investors with or without general solicitation.

Y’all stay tuned. Whitelist0x is cookin’ sh*t.

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Whitelist0x is what it is :: a Whitelisting Firm. That says it all. However, there’s more beyond the name. Whitelist0x focuses on helping small businesses go public to raise funds via the security token offering mechanism. Unlike similar security token platforms that only offer technical solutions, Whitelist0x enables private companies to launch extensive public relations, integrated marketing, and investor relations campaigns, draft various offering documents such as prospectus, file with securities regulators in the U.S. and various other jurisdictions, and then issue security tokens that represent shares and allow shareholders a stake in their company’s equity as well as a share in their profits in form of dividends, interests, and so on.

