5 Types of Smart Self-Saboteurs

Which one are you?

Eric Sangerma


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Having a high IQ means you’re great at certain kinds of problem-solving. But this won’t always lead to greater joy and success in life.

Some extremely smart people keep making self-defeating choices. They get stuck in unpleasant situations and see no way to improve the situation.

I’d like to share five stories, with some details changed to protect anonymity.

1. The Constant Worrier

Andrew is a charming guy, he’s often the life of the party. He prides himself in being rational about everything, and he’s quick to make fun of superstitions or irrational thinking.

His friends don’t know that Andrew keeps losing sleep because of anxiety. He can’t stop worrying about his loved ones, and he keeps thinking about worst-case scenarios. He also worries about silly, inconsequential things, like small verbal gaffes and misunderstandings. Andrew’s wife believes he needs help with his anxiety — but Andrew dislikes the idea. He’s “the rational one” in their marriage, so he thinks his fears are rational too.

What’s the Problem?

Researchers have found that worrying and verbal intelligence are linked.



Eric Sangerma

I Help Companies Excel and Individuals Thrive. I write about Mental Health, Relationships and Productivity. Follow me: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ericsangerma/