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Listening to the Sox in New England: Red Sox Affiliates, Mapped

New England Red Sox Affiliates

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Like a lot of people, I catch a large number of the Sox games from the car each summer. Whether it’s visiting family, a…

A Gentlemanly Response: Dave O’Brien

Kudos to Quincy’s own Dave O’Brien for his courteous and respectful response to my criticism some days back. Rather than popping off as a national scribe did at one point in response to something written by me, online, O’Brien’s response was measured and…

In Case You Haven’t Been Keeping Up With Current Events

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpCE0kDlZss&hl=en]

Well, I don’t even know where to start. You’re screwed. You missed 1.) a sweep of Tampa, 2.) a brawl with Tampa, 3.) a brawl between Manny and Youk (not joking), 4.) an…