Join Wicrypt’s Limited Hotspot Creator/NFT Sale to Plug and Earn!

Ayush Sharma
Published in
4 min readDec 7, 2021

Wicrypt’s “The Outliers” NFTs/Wicrypt Hotspot Creator Devices sale is now live!

We’ve been blown away with initial demand for our Wicrypt Hotspot Creator, a custom plug-and-earn smart device built to mine $WNT, power WiFi sharing, while also represented on the blockchain by a unique NFT. For this first release of NFTs representing the Wicrypt Hotspot Creator devices, there will be a limited number of 15,000 NFTs/Devices called “The Original Outliers”.

The wait for our limited NFT/Device sale is finally over now! The Outliers NFTs are unique and unexplored rebels — round pegs in square holes — and the digital representation of the Wicrypt Hotspot Creators on the blockchain. Wicrypt presents these unique NFTs to solve internet and connectivity issues that have long deprived ordinary people, businesses, and communities from evolving efficiently throughout time.

The Outliers reduce the control of telecommunication organizations, or similar public or corporate institutions, on how you use your internet and improves it by decentralizing control. Wicrypt Devices offer you a smart WiFi network that is powered by you. In short, The Outliers NFTs/Wicrypt Hotspot Creators are paving the way for decentralized internet sharing that will allow people to enjoy blazing fast internet and connectivity that also supports IoTs seamlessly.

Read to learn more about The Outliers!

About Wicrypt Hotspot Creator Devices: LYNX 304 and SPIDER B78

The smart Wicrypt Hotspot Creator offers high-speed internet and connectivity to all device holder’s customers. The Hotspot Creators are comprised of smart features that allow device holders to create hotspots that their users can access seamlessly and conveniently, while simultaneously mining $WNT (Wicrypt Network Token). Our two devices are LYNX and SPIDER.

About LYNX: LYNX 304 is a small battery-powered device that is designed to maintain a maximum of 50 concurrent client connections. This device comprises various smart features that traditional telecommunication organizations fail to provide or provide at a very high rate.

About SPIDER B78: Compared to LYNX 304, SPIDER B78 is a device with a higher capacity without an internal battery. This device is designed to maintain a maximum of 70 concurrent client connections. SPIDER B78 provides 3G/4G high-speed Internet access to users for most countries and operators in the world.

Read more about Wicrypt Devices here.

The Rising Demand of Wicrypt Hotspot Creators!

The idea of The Outliers NFTs/Wicrypt Hotspot Creators has attracted massive attention in the industry. We are truly grateful for such an overwhelming response and support. Out of the total supply of 15,000 The Outliers NFTs, 20% (or 3,000 devices), will be released for sale on Xend Launchpad, the premier launching ground for startups in Africa. To add an extra spark to this much-anticipated sale, Wicrypt is giving a 20% discount on the devices and 100 $WNT tokens for free with each device purchased. The whitelisting for this grand sale is live now on Xend Launchpad.

Learn more:

What Happens to the Rest 80% of the Wicrypt Hotspot Creators?

The remaining 80% (12,000) of Wicrypt Hotspot Creators will be available for sale at The sale opening time will soon be announced after the sale of 20% Wicrypt Hotspot Creators closes on the Xend Lanchpad. Buyers will also receive 100 $WNT tokens absolutely free with each Wicrypt device purchased. The Wicrypt Network Token (WNT) has great utilities on our platform, including governance, staking, reward distribution, and more. So, get ready to experience faster internet — while connecting the world — with Wicrypt Hotspot Creators, and earn huge in $WNT. Like with all early adopters, you stand to earn the most being ahead of the pack. Here is a quick guide to $WNT Tokenomics for your reference:

Those purchasing now get early access to mint up to 10% of overall $WNT tokens, and more. But that’s not all, buyers will also get access to 20% of tokens allocated to other hosts, making it 30% of the overall $WNT. Buying now will also allow you to enjoy other exciting benefits. After selling out of the initial 15,000 devices, we will release the next batch in the following six to nine months giving the 15,000 sold Wicrypt Hotspot Creator device holders time to mine tokens.

Purchase now on Xend Lanchpad, before they’re all gone!

About Wicrypt Network

Wicrypt is a decentralized mobile internet sharing and monetization network, allowing anyone to get paid for sharing their WiFi. Wicrypt is the first African company to build a peer-to-peer infrastructure for sharing mobile internet data without the need for third-party integration. WiFi can be shared via Wicrypt’s custom, affordable Hotspot Creator or mobile devices, while providers can tailor unique experiences, including surveys and ads, while collecting customer data. An already profitable company, Wicrypt has an exclusive partnership with the city of Enugu, Nigeria, to provide last-mile internet service to its citizens.

Wicrypt has an international team with experience working for some of Africa’s largest employers, including KPMG, Chevron, Accenture, Nielsen, and MTN Group, and is headquartered in Enugu, Nigeria.

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