Go to Will Hackett
Will Hackett
The incoherent ramblings of a software engineer, startup founder and borderline alcoholic.
Note from the editor

I'm a software engineer but more specifically a product engineer. I make products from the ground up - assess viability, build a roadmap, gather a team, kick goals and deliver a killer end result. I believe in products that can bring some degree of real social impact. I've recently joined InnoWell in Melbourne which aims to better mental health - a topic of significant importance to myself. I believe in bridging the gap between for-profit and non-profit organisations and building a sustainable, commercially viable product. Who says you can't make money while making a difference? I'm extremely motivated by technology that mitigates the need for complex DevOps chores that slow MVP development. We're already in the future where apps are developed with no servers in the backend - merely a subscribed Platform as a Service offering. The next steps for the industry will be pushing cloud providers for technologies that discourage vendor lock-in and create a more competitive landscape for app hosting. Like infrastructure and electricity, you should be able to move your PaaS app. I hope to push the industry in this direction.

Go to the profile of Will Hackett
Will Hackett
I'm a software engineer, working on Blinq, venueScout & Firelabs.